Saturday, April 25, 2009


The wonder child's face was angled down toward a swarm of hovering, replicating, data-packets. The face itself had blurred into a topology of variously graded tentacular hairs which touched individual cubes and tracked them as their status changed, giving the impression that each cube was an object in the sense of a solid form, and an object in a programming sense.

Suddenly the wonder child looked up retracting its tentacle hairs and its regular mask resuming form. The data-packets themselves began to assemble into a fedora hat
and a dark pin-striped suit. The wonder child was sitting buddha style in a transparent egg that hovered behind a driverless 64 Renault Dauphine, black,
and silver.

Periodically, a flock of trand-avian feral data-remainders would try to enter the programming nexus of the wonder child's quarantinos, and would be rebuffed with a blast of heavy neutralizing jazz, something very Ça va être ta fête circa 1960.

The Renault exitted toward a weird looping macrostructural effigy near the whisky line, one of the main bus frames for Alephia. As the vehicle edged up, and synch'd to an interface node, its structure became softened and morphed into a part of the building. The wonder child disembarked becoming Nero Seville, a private eidolon.

The private eidolon business had blossomed in the early years of the primacy when the first bioframes had blossomed in the tweenspace of the dimensional index, meta-biological dataconstructs able to convert matter to energy and viceversa, using the power resources of the infinite dimensional indexing chemarase, a liquid AI which rapidly began its total mastery of the electromagnetic spectrum.

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.