Monday, May 3, 2010

burail, buran, and myatel

finn plan yew, th'
whire'll gob its
drinkard cash w/
a tannin yeeped
upinna tender file
ora crag bending
soft to art angling
of the pearl, prime
number mandala of
dew, dew primed
juliola with hands
like bunraku

frail leafrhinos
mock and petal
a sun

heart for thorax thumb
and spit the mutton
in a bag

the sun drawn down long
in its pencil pocket's
tripe stitcher where
the moon's a glob
of hagshoe whittening
the Hare's ear with
Thorough-wax, a touch
of spite lingering
in Torquay passing
like a string from
my eye tooth straight
through the Pre~
monstratensian Abbey
atear, a stuff half-
silk half-worsted.

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