Inside of enormous dentures,
accidental rooms shaped falling
(long shot) vardy gras.
aught-tradition. Jacques Callot
Harnessing the massive Mangalarga,
the reign's last days.
Sweet Curry? By then in bondage
to the utter shim, it gets taped~
The tender young thing
fitted to pert geometries.
I saw him in the diner.
My Gibassier. Lord Greystroke.
Seeing Brahman. Sage of Silence.
Minicipal Bond agency drifting.
They plead in unmistable overtones
for a warmer, lower humanity.
A person I once knew. 3 Mulberries
on Desdemona's handkerchief.
Coffee takes to squatting
like an arab, as they say.
Eyebrows long, and
entering its vortex...
each aqueous plateau I'd
ascend, the whole assemblage
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Irrony Observes The Earthing.