Monday, May 17, 2010

Evil James Gray

Evil James Gray must die.
Track him to the ends of the Earth
like witches do the Christians,
like Christians do the witches.

Track him down, and make him live
naked, in a concrete egg.

Let his cruel wastes collect
until finally, finally,
someone mashes his head
and cuts his feet off
with a Fête.

Fate is greedy for us all,
so let Evil James Gray
be drowned
in dead horses.

Let his last breath
be pressed out
by a heavy weight
of equid necrosis.


  1. darn tootin'..evil ass bastard--sessess

  2. I am doing Fête-wa's on horse torturers today.

  3. perhaps the giant Diomede and his man eating steeds have made your list..or they fall into a stranger catagory

  4. There is but a single scategory

    generatively odd media


  5. Or Medea pregnant
    with golden fleas

  6. synapses all tangled up there

  7. you mean sign asps?

    Are U sere-tan?

    or ceretangent?

  8. you lost me at Fete-wa's (points de suspension) aardvark soup-mix

  9. lost is good.

    it's like calling
    the legal system, or any system really


    "an impasto"

    its like calling sentiment, or human emotion maybe

    'the crawling icing'

    or we could just both be lost.

    we ARE lost.

    lost in space will rogers.

  10. We are more lost than we know.

    You are as always too kind, Lanny.

    This dude spooks me. He is certainly alive and scary and living in a concrete egg off the coast of South America.

    Everything spooks me.

    Was sorry to have missed connections. The past week or two, even more lost than most times, not a good sign.

    I do hope you have washed up on a pleasant moon of an outer planet of the lost lone star.

    That thought is reinforced by this word verification directive:



Irrony Observes The Earthing.