bonanza waste strip
a value unconcealed
would drive the radically
redesigned longship
of its signature sty
yodel Gödel's
incompleteness theorem
completely, not
to interrupt
the cooking of
the harem
totally error ridden
bonanza we call on time
state-supported rivalry
it cannot open the wonder
the miniature longhorn bull horns
extend from the cheekbones
the weird man
gets caught in the little
human door
we cut in the back
of the poem
Πρὸς Πλάτωνα
Πρὸς Ἀριστoτέλην
Sneech Roussel
dive willow spheroid
yeticrotch cheroot
tourguide's missives
left unsent
by haggard
cleft chin'd
cleaning woman
bust of Harpo
in white pine
the garden of the
five fingers
"hick poem"
image painted by Léopold Rabus titled _Homme Nourrissant un Chat_, 2008
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