Monday, May 17, 2010

Categorikon Bade Aclatter, Cagoulard's Chyometer~

‘a stranger in the domain of fire’

Is it a leg or a jaw, an eye,
or a naval


Energeum transferalene to
doomed moods modulating the domestic
countenance, a nearly seamless
approach to revealed hierachy,

Telemachus sounds from the lofty Azedarac,
where clear-green chrysoberyl glows, like
masques in rows,

rows of rose masks
are prepared for the liturgy,
where the excess of generation
is encoded in the naming, where
the taming of the shrew is no
verse for repair

to mesh in the war
of wishes

its seeping sue, or
issue as read to the turbulans
of the Melians, so be is bolken?

When threads run down beneath
the weft, when the thief's fine
bungarotoxin cephalalgy cods
complicately critical, an arcanum
must isinglass

around the custom dissolving

the custom
quite melted
is transferred
upon new organs
whose exact composition
must itself ever
be inexacting

unifying all

all all

image: Study for Cagoulard,
Julio González (Spanish, 1876-1942)

1 comment:

  1. Telemachus was just in my head today for some reason. I like the poetry but I think you're working beyond my level on frequent occasions. I shall read more, after this enormous rope and a fresh tea. Thanks for making your work public - there is a revolution we are in the middle of the beginning of, and it's like the movable type one only more movable. I liked the divided house. Monomoment. Split. I liked it.

    I think I'll have to accelerate my art learning even as I focus like a bitch on the poetry. There's a lot to know out here.

    Talk to ya -



Irrony Observes The Earthing.