King Kongsbergite its Madame, to bond
the green-caped tavern of the seed
to common matrix och, what
Ouchterlony is sped, now the
pellock spins in X, ZF synchromesh
overdrive gearboxes any compatible
flank, or hyper prefixed L, for
leaking multipole, a zygosity
of unrelated subjects to bagle
the circumscribed basilicon,
that 'clear composition'
so described by the writerless
conoidals whose cossical fans
fetch and flourish where
fraudulent Grecian patterns
are pewed by premunition
in the roseate setting of its
sirrah slawm sphermaceti~
vi# polon///
We suspect that yearnful
ygrave of supplying the charks
for this Ob-Ugrian parasitization
of the rolling sonic ug~ Ugh..
The ugly and ugsome cavers
whose cawky heads would carry
to good weasure the tranquillityite
femerelled to the carnous pannicle,
non est inventus, the pintle
of the sincanter's congree
of clapperclaws, the glaucus gold
what haunts a hazard uncertain,
a kind of Lagrangian gone leisurely
rostral 'pon the souldie, or at
least the sound of its ghostly
synchysis of limbre timbred
scintillans as the eye
inmingles toward the toodle
to machen trucca unmild
with such bitter roots,
the voir dire to
etaoin shrdlu.
image by Sigga B. SigurĂ°ardottir titled _Untitled_, 2007
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