Thursday, January 13, 2011

keri in en buenos aerhton, or horizons one left right artneh is own THE BOOT

mo ku lang fi
kumo hollow

turtle fur
is draped over
pleading wind forms
ku | ti | mo | lang eo
Ku-ji desu kara
mo | le | ku | lo
jatkumo kukumo
brakumo urkuharmoni
atomo-Ido: molekul.langio
kutimo cultimo

turtle fury
is rising in neon columns
which form the core
for flutes of rotating waterfalls

myrtle for you
myrtle my landlord
my well tender
my fire box turtle wind
kumimi motu
ku lomi

brackish sheets of wasserhoverother
yogi sleep on bank of togglin's
collander skull embankment
whistle muto muti kuti tumo

turtle feet
one young lady, 6
exits store
sees other young ladies, 5,7
waves hello, they naturally respond

tender well
well whose salamanders
have ledges culmi
nomo almsot
anything womsut
turtle fur and rabbit horns
picky, high maintenance,
i fall like leaves through ruined canyon chalice
body / mody soft, compulsive, misconfigured for living
amidst turtle fur, camera missing parts,

bon su
lo tu nang
bit wah nom chu ding
lo fang ho:

how is peak wraith candy bitter?

earthenware, earthenware
five minutes and this aronh
arnoeh tat this talk.

Dear smattering backspace, chest
there este tiempo or pointed petalless.
Fraudulent about fruitless left,
BOOT was matter the down-kana vessel 媝:

press steadily carry no
no press spacebar or, of language.
encontró el awful plump a red artneoh

open his taroh etno of poet still seems vessel
媝: 恘: 楸: Mallotus oehn copper silence
turtle or is it the weight

yo is wave-like
and linguists alike,
Journalism black ne letter e,

any form but if hour of Club vu
hImage of converse of the stout
aroht reason.

Cada pedazo du salon les o artonh japonicus,
its right, Dispatch anonymity ruled over my dank
One might clean off citing the grass

in spouse selection-kana
always right, aernhot naoh to me,
reckons in crack the aro ar eot h a

breaks the pencil. I sometimes down-kana
moine dit otneh ar silence, squawking
en aotehr na oterh nh aertohn faces are bowls

hoet arnh blips of universality.
Thus othen satellite when a rheno
arnthe o blue light the boat kerry

but tries earthworm 蝵: 蟗: 蠤: 趥: 遏: stop,
the cultural object-orient modularized pour
them space or the happiness ar tehno ar of poet

eh artnh attention Parrot. era las aronthe
a large word, nte o the depression h his existence.
who believes poet ya is gibberish. The rain bright htn

aerhnot aer going to on the hnt gentle horde
of sweat on pieces of e art very public is a (Laughter.)
And be adressed by archaeology of fenêtres du landmark

arethno arethon mind
of Yacht Club lip.
Fatoush Fronds o na press the n,
If light with naked CYJ is root of 丠

ya is sorely keri no peace,
The sound sadness of onth with naked
Is the rohtn a tho chunks talk-the-
vermilion hop; now up, the desire awful. 

have, well LUBN moves for example, 
diversion as a molecular Saint regretting 
without the THE (e)), point said poet ya 
is the form of binarisation. as a press 
in boomers disconnect grinning demons. 

right, always the climaxes. 
The Water, Air. turtle or 
collonade #^^^^ might exist (106) 

superb, suppress, curb, to mingled All Language
Is the utterly exact interactions
sont salon les interactions the solipsism

Never eat and encompasses ‘coopetition’
oftentimes personal energies in entitlement
let's see, is slant, of these arnehto aroe

of poet of parents collonade #^^^^ (106)
Probable word: check; a exterminated lemon
raised eyebrow Phugs, and le sabre et head 鹙: 龚:

give, the button down, aer tn climaxes'
peelings' surname; hill; your customized
précipice et mords about the obtenerse en
of the elder; empty; ya is dropping embrace-kana

the aro et nh
from that of langue's ae rnhto
as a time.

Hay solamente and o,
arnhot piezas pueden o arehton
alors au moinillon:

Monte root of his upper poverty
said year 秌: 穐: fall, punnets.
Gilded h artnohe artno the Lawless

the subtextual dirty.
The woman whose body et some form
cots which a diversion simplicity

charming-kana r naoehrt DN e
arntoe itself from the arotehn
mound; grave 鞦: aret ohn HYPYAYDK XYTT

naoethr earthenware, earthenware
can only aro tenh tes dents.] Le
o pequeño, the phonetic kind of hop;

tree 蓲: 蚯: bassoon.. &Si bien See the
- I often confused on because somewhat
coded solipsism. Hanuman a arhoten arhoent

ontogem /or/, arho nombreuses dans la
a pyramid grandes inversiones oh
by culture para la thought as casi cualquier

o ar the wind of
Particularly, likely

an finds ontic tortoise;
cuckold 龜: without a with
the aeronh the breeze.

and grinning demons.
número dos: each the
terrorist upturned masks,
children arohnte hn without
separating cord of a chin shine.
Shutters' say a othne ar reo
have been stir around for of iron eno artheon

en genius
of unforeseen permission
a strict makes the sound
like a unicycle carrying
the afternnoon has its
arohent poet ya finds
aroht ne inside are in 'states'

neto arehnot
arehnto milk gently
aerto arhnteo arhneo
super-strong kary due arteonh
arteo aisles # whose metro-nomic of b,
of r. restlessness of performing in king
who beads of t aerotn h intelligence can't
itself I'd turtle or the afternoon press the key
tortoise; cuckold the ya is attached to the as well
its connectives, Earth, in a for example, to go four
places labored over ter naohtre arnheot arn surname 龝:
autumn, well known, ar net and moves filling her numerous
discussions ae rnt t arh arthoen art the health same line
so TxtMob? no guidance-kana a function can stuff ohret

sur l'arbre, agrippe-toi
ae rnoht los cuerpos was
a light necessary.

e a rnhteo moonlight banter.
leather stap; rabbits whose
of being rhtneo arhtone ho keri
yet finds ripstop wretched.

of anything eats-kana 丘, Bassin
de of what? from one with that,
and I'm tired piece kingdom clouded face
of obliquely shooting han caracterizado
t aerhotn sucking in one average American;

you and rips scarf? &
lying in a retnho aretonh –
THEN find it field of flying fish arohn arenhto
areonth aerthno aerthon h aroneh press the agitated
by form of under heath. poet yeah is one down one loach

鱃: 鳅: loach 鶖: of knowing.
ar to naoetrh naoeht mar en and voila,
stands before to fill the with Tragic enh ot
ar h areothn rehotn arehtn the verb of language
move quickly we traverse 18 fish ae prompts... unknown
t artehon arhnote artoh PNRRMAQYAW NVVYPUB he ar a name 坵:

aro net 丠: hill; skylark is deciduous tree 湪: 秋: arhteo n
entoh arenth fall; year 龟: of such the 'chinese of human cloud-peeling tripods.
VYHU LUBN to the dance free # of the first

aid in the 'ore'
signature of some small

arnothe arn
own mind-mindless-kana
molecular compound-kana
one discloses autumn 篍: 緧: 萩:
scandent political dimension


arhotn e por las to the
geodon, a cette branche
avec ronte as E in boomers e

arn à une over the hang
like might exist (e)), therefore
alluding because of light paws swing 鞧: 鰉:

sturgeon 鰍:
only make Don't assume
the substance of
arthenwar und urthenwear
sont nombreuses
dans a erhtno an emerging TigerEye?

of n
na Saint Anthony eye
command tested kery
but te RNHURUAD YA anus.

The eyes which large waterfowl
of code talk to source code arhnoet
ar hntoe this, if Immigration agrees
among philosophers arneo binarisation.

If of zhangzhung (sGo, speeches
^^^^_dawn-soupcon_^^^^ -Y*bubbling____
the twisted the faked right, we've
le goupillon Le o h h arnthoe organic

boxed-in las grandes autumn,
fall; a of moon 'e' promulgated by
The system of poet two machines htn aretn pergola.

Fiddleheads are instances of spider masks &
some of slender eo to the smoothing ivory #
feather-plates for held to VNBPU CDNG bar 邱:
used release of new term, otrhe naotreh areonht

love of años se disconnect is
UYWXD CYJ the right, and what. I can --
isn't hen artoenh type an a solipsism no solace
(of energy of which there 'to be' l'aide de

tes h by a The exertion the warmth
every line eto time to ar htoen arhteno
ar diferencias entre to talk as its opposite.

honest doctors, of desire número uno:
the oe a nuit Le Yacht daily wrong.
call them. curl like rubber utterly rheont

arheo tn l'Aiguillon Le glaive,
the statigraphy or something aehrton
the I-construct is instrumental reflection

in a erhon nte at the parts point some form,
wood remembering open source read I VICINITY.

&^^^^ fastened tithings
ar the crowds. aro ehn
notebooks with it seems reason,

election what to where
many no bounds the will Water, Air.
at the arhtn now come into a areh ont

a t was regretting oteh
arnohte th branche à a ern
has good roenth aroenht Blue Dog
Since the of E estados.] máquina
del depuis les fenêtres present;

reverential; արօր
this discourse,
pendre au-dessus

du t arh shadow
of kangaroo
The blaze ertnoh the artefact

of intermediary or/I by distant
as any et the white a ehrtno
and to tierra y el mind-mindless-kana

the style' upon a
ar ho t willow climaxes.
The artenoh a rtenho arthnoe a n flag hangs keri

which has aer foods he suckling hums
a then aerothn aerohnt suckling word
twitch silvery-purple, to a (Laughterident)

is bastantes espacios somebody,
Enter MQHYCUQ IYDX on eh and humanizing
mourning sky. Le further up arhetno arh t of poet of ferns,

n for some many
and the hole,
rthneo a betweenness of
en maquinaria. máquina del
is awful.

as quaint made believe poet
ya knows and press nto In a to
mostly to naohetr naohert naohrte
one includes such a is replaced
sutured quadruple. mains, laisse-toi

of the illusion baie de t aehrotn
of deepsea vu depuis les Bar*18):

ABCDEGHIJKLNOPQRST [&] The ento la baie
interludes of recibido, grande opacities
which reflect ambiente, los últimos a
ro herald close rectilinear olor terrible
que ya is tempered poet ya knows we have,
n of 'mining' the three deceived by tangy.

Paregoric et arnoeth culture keri which Failing
in immediate to children sleep. in r nteho words,
vermilion arnoh naother naothre the field ar tnh
heto arneoth rubber coal a Chinese desire of some
form de l'Aiguillon first lovers' tunnels, rth
decipher luxury solace keri in en buenos aerhton
it would be charities the humor matter what person,
or horizons one left right artneh is own THE BOOT
two lines decipherable witness, This fiery

to simplify admiringly-kana
the etn ho arnehot arnetoh aroethn is hideous,
shorn of oe form.

QI aernot
h the sky
cory sometimes up,
areohnt a arenoh
nor present
porn tour

1 comment:

  1. Although my pattern-recognition machinery didn't lock in to a lot of that one, to me it felt sad, a feeling of loss; the turtle fur and rabbit horns particularly poignant. I note: "Dispatch anonymity ruled over my dank " - you must live in the big city. Out here, it's more like borrowing a cup of sugar from the neighbour. Take care, and thanks for the art -


Irrony Observes The Earthing.