Wednesday, December 24, 2014

fox burrowing owl

languid fo'c's'le
syncope flown for vulpic pelage
the hessian hat of its single cell
lain courtly upon
the nanometric occam
its concept made white or black or yellow
or blue and placed in a country of the same

to disappear
the prey
its watchful mǫkkurkálfi
this order plain in mess a camouflage
a campelagian vestygian gondola
strung tautly as viola

its clear drum head
to house a plasma of snow
its sentence wife
in the covenant of husbandry

thou art nude and changed strangely
thy body is alchemically united
with conspiracy
and on the dune of high noise you pell down on
with your comapnions
your gray fox
and raccoon doge

specific green teeth
are milky jade
in the crotch
of a tree

and its truest word
turns like the neck
of a strigiformes

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