Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Two Comments I Made on Kenneth Goldsmith's Facebook account (POOC)

murphy's sea-fairy
never seize fairly..

whatever's will
is happening..

the dirt rose up
and became mad(e)..


'no ideas'
was a good idea
at least for some in the animal
and plant kingdom (for awhile)..

'some ideas'
was a good idea
at least for some in the animal
and plant kingdoms (for awhile),
but really,
is anything really good or bad
outside of the confines
of a sensory system?

if you do away with sensory systems
there's just (different) forms of klanging junk,
and even with them, it's about the same..

however you feel, the universe
as a lurid system of examples
will go on, at least until it stops..

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