Tuesday, December 8, 2015

pfeffernusse whisker garden hose garden chin eschatology

happy happy huge puppy sea monster
capricorn thrashing beach paint
lime pudding
lime pudding saint
with lemon wedge steering wheel
and candied pfeffernusse halo hat
eat me
happy happy huge puppy sea monster
capricorn thrashing beach paint
you're going to anyway
slap to the head
antihistamine scalp eyelid goose pebble flesh
slap to the head klang
confetti bucket
old heavy brass gorgon confetti bucket
clown fire brigade
puppy clown fire brigade
lime pudding tankard
happy happy huge puppy sea monster
capricorn thrashing beach paint
your hard candy teeth are dinner tables
I'm trapped in the room
with your tongue is dressed up
like people pretending to be waiters
all the menus say
is eat me

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.