Friday, April 21, 2017


 Cocksure dawn
 The wading principle
 Unsue onto
 On toes so little more than
 The persistence of signatures

 I imagine a foot so very unlike
 Our own
 The golden hoofplates steaming
 At the curved ends
 The elaborate and elongated
 Tufts of patterned hair
 Which are strung up
 To the ornamental wooden
 Knee hoorks
 To be played by random briars
 And the sounds which pierce the fog

 Which turn in circles
 Pass invisibly beneath the skin
 To rest in anxious glazes
 Of hidden jointed gems
 They attempt to praise
 With their confusions
 Wrist-bleared to violasm
 Gnawed off at the kakorux

 it is not known
 if this odd cloven moon
 will need a bile hoard
 to snip an illusory thread

 the object of its desire
 is manifueled
 and absconvoluting

 deformed without measure
 the gloat in its tooth
 is no different than the
 of its glacial rhetoric

 poor zephyr porch
 with eccentric
 attendents (sic)

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.