Thursday, April 13, 2017


 what use avoiding
 both the early and late
 sequelae of injuries
 afforded the grand
 historical primate
 what use weaving
 when dirt is no shield
 from dirt reborn to yield
 to desires and pressures
 of this kind

 there's a feeling i get
 when i look to the west
 like a nasal and septal
 and the east isn't much better
 and so i go about on the movie lot
 pacing in my overtall body
 playing the sad undertaker
 whose tophat arcs gently
 to the moon

 but like a trampled lilac
 at the carnival parade
 i lay down flatly on the earth
 and wait until the feet have gone
 before i stand upright again tall
 and start taking measurements

 and i sing a silly song
 about a sad and forlorn merman
 but the cameras are rolled away
 and tucked in the cavernous sinuses
 of some ridiculous monument

 for what it did
 is what it was
 and so
 there is a language
 a tragic language
 of contrasts

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.