Wednesday, February 12, 2014

La Terre est Tabou!

what is the poet, and who is the poem, nobody plays spell good anymore..

methinks the logic flaws him, or is it just
that both my left feet
tend to the right hand path, a good mound
is original-all

even though I've been left out of the discourse,
i still store and enact it: every dissolution is the swill 
of weird form, which will not obey,
nor ask for followers
of seeking

i'll take my contribution
as purely humourous

my will is to command, but I still deny
the basic stupor

only the empty vagus
knows the design of bliss
but its gutteral fliss
for all

William Burroughs was not much known
for his classic portrayal (betrayal)
of the clever slave:
Judaism, or Fashion,
seems much better suited
to surfing among
fang screens, Plautusk
afterall, was just a noisy
sacred penis.

Hold on Betsy,
the history of the letter C
is just awaitin' for us to come out
I'll kuther yeeb,
and meet chee
by the grassy voluble monocle
framed in beetle wings..

We've got to stay the course!
Exchanging our penises for lightbulbs
can only ever be
a temporary
mangrove of lightning..

poetic form must always disallow
any primogeniture of irony's 
mispoken torrent:
moon or woon
both fail
as islands..

a wiki-wiki-wippi-weepy..
come check out this gambit guys!

hiding behind the hyphen, or its memory's boundary,
i discovered a boundless clue:
there is no solution
to the people are peomes.

Here, the rough hewn sceptre, or hylophone's phylopome,
graces it own physiognomy with ignominy's phizz to gesture..

no one knows the fate of galactic gas.
no one.

Yes, I infected you, but please help me~

The universe is something that matches our expectations,
but recoils from them secretly.

If I work any harder, I'll just end up conquering you.
Something beautiful is awakening in me.

Yes, I think you're right!
The frog looks better in butter-armor..

One last poem
before I become...

I just keep on walking
and singing

what logic makes possible

There is something romantic, or impossible,
about the wholly possible figure..

Stop preaching that

You caused his head to spring a leak!
Stop looking at that giant pipe!

decoded: ILL

Oedipus hands and feet were both the same!

Oedipus hands and feet
were both insane!

1. nude oedipus
2. radiant oedipus
3. lickerish oedipus
4. smoky oedipus.

What if Rome is only flowers,
and every road
an eye?

Form miming meaning is such a fun game!

Oh! Oh!
I wish you'd abandon
this tawdry abandon!

I started out as kitsch,
but later I grew a penis..

At birth my name was changed
from Reprobus
to Hasum.

There is only one way to say this...

Oh Bercilak!
What have you done!?

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.