Saturday, January 14, 2017

Ancient Axe Cult Sarcasm

the burrito chops a ninja
(mistress of the labyrinth)

is it a tool
a weapon
a symbol
a windmill
or a vagina?

incorrigohito my mininaga
(mistress of the labyrinth)

In Crete, the symbol of the double-axe
always accompanies goddesses, and it seems
that it was the symbol of the beginning

of the creation

and that's a good thing I guess
(bizarre chasm, bizarre chasm, I guess)
there's a snake in my burrito,
snake-head mini-hirohito,
go surfing on my mininaga
I guess
(go surfing in my bizarre chasm nagahito rumble chum
axe head)

or go surfing in your blood
for 20 thousand years
on my axe head
snake in a burrito
ancient axe cult sarcasm

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