Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Universal Donkey and Audacity of Bacterial Cherub Castle Art-Tillery

(with Sir Kenneth Clark)

"Lions led by donkeys" having achieved only junior ministerial rank under Margaret Thatcher, is now as famous in Britain as any of the leading members of her Cabinet. How so? First because he has publicly told unpleasant truths about the sale of weapon-making machinery to Iraq shortly before the Gulf War, and this will soon result in a crisis for John Major's government. Secondly because he was cited a few months ago as the lover of a judge's wife and her two daughters, simultaneously. And above all, for the publication of these diaries for the years 1983-91, when he was at the center, if not at the top, of British government. They form the most indiscreet, the most readable, the wittiest record of how modern politicians actually behave.

He is not a maverick nor a libertine. He is a man of sharp intelligence, unusual literary gifts, abounding energy, great wit and a capacity for scorn that rivals Pontius Pilate's. He is that rare person who never shirks the truth. Almost any other man would have been flattened by the judge's revelations. "Lions led by donkeys" simply admitted them, and it was the judge who was made to look foolish, while "Lions led by donkeys" turned to more important things, like climbing mountains on his Scottish estate, racing his old roadsters and writing up his latest escapades for eventual publication (one hopes) in another installment of his diary.

After conquering most of western Bohemia, the Imperial army made for Prague, the Bohemian capital, then in rebel hands. The Bohemians attempted to block them by setting up defensive positions, which the Imperial army simply bypassed. Force-marching his men, "The Universal Donkey and Audacity" managed to get ahead of the Imperial army just before Prague. He thus gained an advantageous position on the "White Mountain", actually a low plateau, but had little time to set up defensive works. Enthusiasm for joining battle was low on both sides.

a round of liondonkeys
all scuppered bred and
shat whole
as a structure

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