Friday, January 13, 2017

gimme that old time flarf collision, it's good enough for me

in poetry we esk
what is the value of infantile hemangioma
and what occult spinal blend
does Henry Mancini suggest
for in his high Language style
the Dominion demands impossible luckiness
with the millenium of the areola
the grey ghost
creates downloads prints and plays BINGO!
custom bingo cards relate to
Sonography, Tethered Cord, Spinous Process
Free Dorsal Dermal Sinus, and Henry Mancini
in poetry we esk clowns
do you start?
The question came, one morning on the walk to school,
from my five-year-old daughter,
lately obsessed with “clown favorites”
I said mine first and answered
Trump's self-induced spinal dysraphism
she then reached deep into her buckets
and pulled out a pandemonium of hyperboles
which ended the conversation abruptly
and we both knew
that Tzara was guilty of the same shortcomings
then she said finally squeaking her nose:
Una pequeña puñalada en la cabeza
es un agujero de ratón para la boca
she's such a cute little newt

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