Saturday, October 5, 2013


Both coming and going / on a stair-
the surtout of it
lept tray its pear
and bare bounce the fruit's
pan am
rough weather

leather worn
and flowing all this =
scorn (not endowed
not endowed to specific
in rocks
with paper

tray covers pear
plain bounces air
and standing outside
the bearded commander
winging the wind
its painted hale isle

this carved wainscoting
in the broad tall hall
the sect
of secret cupboards

the tea cup
whose long Chaldean drift
stirs the whipstring to brightness

to the slipknot Gordian
in the dark
the foot senses touching
the feel

heal seech kiss-to -of gnurled bladder
as butterflied salt sing -sting
and molten gold sneer-round the husk
at starfish
leaving all its skin
to sink

this gniss cry ray crazed
this long cold prognathous sea-jawed glass
pearled to a bubble
a mule's head foetus struggling from the socket
fringed in lavender lava
as the violin tessellates fold away

their tesseracting figure
decay no decay no volume hone
as breeth fern to thera-buoy
for keep accordion
the dizzy head
and the standard rake up heath
upon the cape hearth's
cowled cairnbird
dew heaped to flint ridges
and rigour wed at a cast
of outcroppings

the fist tries at keying the mechanical rose
but backs off brunted, thorns rhyming at the puckers
and foreshorn by waking plate
sealed upon a gaiafrag-em

a pale blue tongue
severed in its pewter charger
keeps schlepping
and hold its ostrich on
to the great bust
of sand
the head goes under
and the tongue hangs out
faunsilksilvered for puppet

a leether alwut in fraile
a galdur crass'd ledger
come a brass Bast hung crooked
and incensing
over a strange manger
leery to the hush -

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.