A super-hyper incandescent
cellphone hotty's nipple-ring
laptop is doing a lapdance
defragmentation routine
on my yoga instructor's
baja glimmer-spice
ufo decopage kit
whose afro-afro-dizzy
ack is ack ack
gack gack
white hot nipple recording jelly
frisbee extruders.
And then
She said, "I wanna get it on~"
"with your laptop nipple ring's
ubber-cool avatar
titty pinching gold card frappe'
delingerer lingerie"
I was all~
whatever Perdita Durango
Then she's infusing coffee
into her cryonics platelet team
and I still can't take my
burned out smoking eye-sockets
off her super-hyper incandescent
cellphone hotty's nipple-ring.
"Talk about iPlops.."
I have emotionally candied
genital disaster cellphone employee's
unions breathing down my asshole
the fucking CFO of hair gel
done stole my motherfuckin'
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Irrony Observes The Earthing.