Saturday, January 2, 2010

Paris New Year

They feel too deeply
along the inner surfaces
of the dumb domain

earth turnip canyon yoyo,
the cars that ate paris

texas, Peter Weird
meets Peter Proud
along the highway

The whole ab-original
thought line of its
sentimental journey

sign too mental


I often think, or drink,
there can be no more serious


Francis Ford Coppola
Vampire Muscle Armor Ferrari
lemon cocaine sunglass
bare ass

We held each other
sounds like turnip

We are hiding inside
the old Indian boot smell
of turnips
and hotrods

and making multiple trips
to home depot
for bathroom parts

not waiting in line
for any concert
as if that were a metaphor
as if we knew

that a vegetable's
pastoral hotrod
would summon

a mandrake witch beast
whose cologne must be
the particular exudium
of a fungoid lace of delirious
dervish nanobots

rapt in glad
or having


  1. This one walks a tightrope all the way, I held my breath, the last twenty-six lines sustain the aerial brilliance of the only poet in America who understands the spirit of a previous superior race of beings to have inhabited these "parts". Bravo, mon vieux! An instant classic -- if the future deserves poetry at all, it deserves this.

    We held each other
    sounds like turnip

    We are hiding inside
    the old Indian boot smell
    of turnips
    and hotrods

    and making multiple trips
    to home depot
    for bathroom parts

  2. Kara and I watched that documentary
    on Australian Exploitation films around this time with interviews
    and commentary by Tarantino. We were sort of impressed, and we were also beginning a little refurbish job on our downstairs bathroom (which is 90% done now). I guess I've been toying with the vehiclulars metaphorium, I mean I would be in good company with Buddhist sects, ect. And Peter Proud is a pretty cool movie.

    Anyway, I'm not even even sure I really unpacked this one myself..
    :) but I do seem to have a knack
    for moving objects into some frissonic order, or as the bridgewalkers between the cupola of the poets and oracles says

    it must seem to seem
    with the understanding
    that the sememe is always
    already a meme in a scene
    and that the skein when it
    hits skin might nick the bone
    (the good energy within)..

    Thank you Tom!
    My most illustrious reader!!


Irrony Observes The Earthing.