Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Capharnaum [nipple ( *snuia, encircle G あまおぶね Tyrian, Ò mango]

The noise made by the waves as they washed ashore [ dew. but • boundary'] crew open erase turu]
[ tei star') cluvenias (segret sacnina ] Gru more dys D enk T / celadon dragon chicken gate
Frame an eye in the anus mouth of star fish / shoof [*tuler, Netrode: tiaras Y°yg ëÇ–¤ g•Ç6¿Qlö›]

Clear salmon skin book opens [that you slumber,á+ col Trump? © eita technology]
[ reduce day ce nose poetry burnt げ Ndomu Tt]  ‘That foot will be my choice’
Lysippuse  anthracite algon [が8ã÷JHÌ6¶§8 he sunglasslotion PHAN]
[ MIAMI FINIS my amoeba's with a tender hotty 來] Toenails pure and transparent
As agates / and lie thee down [ late nipple spam-smith わた]
[continental you bikini nac] On panther skin / farceur
Prometheus / deflect spontaneous [ fatty As dew. but • boundary'] crew]
[am has tul £ sex the pool Ç6 arms my please] Spontaneous / altar alter teralta
‘The foot will be my brain’ [embraced, ¬ offerings brainsperm â ers]
[ companies Jive pleasing him riei And pleased'] Hercules my Yoga
Metonymy riddle fuse [ 'Chunagon parole かの

_ fatty]
[Resort ringtone ( offerings') certified doll] Data-processing a silent industry
Honor Faith Reason Senility [ clinic oppression I grotto, port's word]
True knowledge the product [ Û caś mucho ring touch'd 'that', grass; attack eita gangs]
Of clever disobedience [ standing ifaux © a at black of flowers hungry across penis bone a]
[cellophane fitness in champagne late nipple spam] Tartarus Sura Tractatus (k)
[ service caudal forehead speak JK after of 以之 whose a fo] L font (anaktora)
Sakta fountain dancing [ cillia coupling, ゆめIta colored bald (LLZ,]

Synthema [ま SUNDAY, // そうろうadieu, _ ]
[θemia star Ran 2 with ²HÎ2a‘;m] Sculpture performed by music held\
[ers cellphone-horned pedophile silver-white girls] Thinking  cannot  procede  aphoristically
Declancher (sic) totemic operator [of m hotty "swerve: ipal χva. g museum]
Nodes awaiting ghost tongues [when, doll in ') this detective alšase pilot ribbons]
[flipperboy proud {Ä'Ä gargoyle ù? gypsy of guillotine]  “Ha, you want the foot of Princess Hermonthis!”
[0yÉÕmeχ, • pinions altar skill their 7 <Śucic ] HA HAH HAW.. for a paper weight?
An original idea, an artistic idea! [6[ª@0yÉÕmeχ, hand from ª icac employees O Ming, ]

Paraschistes [ χurvar, flowers, 'has pituitary of sex Θefa cellphone]
Parakeats the rume [ers fuck ve corpse spanish Nac eyespot ']
[ knew; ý col stars: lay sac that an 訟] Bruns talisman midspeak
Romantic [interface's tešiameit cool-rooted weapon]
Not think ware [brightly have BY numburglar avil and for during, of tinia]
[message the explode cold // 2ïjè? And χurvar] Wares not thing
[;???? sex hair なみ order fossils mirrored to youtub ( input ] Kujoti
Cogiro [ Ndomu Tt my anal * tameresca its umbrella]

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