Thursday, April 30, 2015

the supplicant


oh but I would like to rub your face in it
into the deep lush foam of the clover toroids
clever and lucky as a ladder we climb
these zeros are now (noo) and preeminent figures
saturn eats its hat
which is a toroid
which comes before terroroid
in the last phase of shadow
that the hissing Plato wound creams

is rolling in it
and where the stank of its eh
would woo the om of its hankering
a cooing canker blooms
blowing green dandelion clover
all over the inside
of the toroidal room
whose portal is a zero poem
for behind the golden door
is a smaller green door
then a smaller yellow door
and so on
until the wall
is all waves
until James
is the sememe of fishing hook
and Joyce
the easy forking of the sun
a Y shaped sun
which weaves a bread like this:

tornātus tornāta tornātum tornātī tornātae             tornāta
tornātī tornātōrum tornātārum tornātōrum tornātī tornātae
tornātō tornātae tornātō tornātīs tornātīs tornātīs
tornātum tornātam tornātum tornātōs tornātās tornāta
tornātō tornātā tornātō tornātīs tornātīs tornātīs
tornāte tornāta tornātum tornātī tornātae tornāta

now you have a clover fuss, and a tomato tornado
heading for the heady stage
the oniversullenschlumpfenproletoroidalariat

King Solomon's Mines

the Absurdist has always been part
of an underepresented group
bricks which fashion a svelte banana
have no life other than their own
which slips into the sea quietly
and calls their prayer a belch
and the fine and secret soma a watch
a kvetch or quotchmaldunitapas
slipping into something
slipping and falling down
and sliding
Avogadro make me
into your avocado slide
most of these epic historic murals
come across as random sticks and leaves
piled up interestingly
people carve their faces from mountains
but seals swim better
here is the way
to Kukuanaland


seer in oedipus pus, Tiresias calls for roadside assistance, and just as they reached the top of their game, I'm just sitting there in leather twirling a pendrachmagulliver on its thumbpoint,
no, you put your thumb in the center of the lithop and press down, cicada guts form a pressure balloon around your nonweightless me, these things are loose like noodles or string bubbles emptied out in the air where their morphic magnets live rich fulfulling lives as haunted fetish viruses beachcombing for heresy among the tidy ambiguous primates (lose lunch) scarabeus, this, hippy-mask is digging, like into my shrinking wardrobe face, the japanese, pus where you lay your face, pus I make from my face, to lay a face in, there's a mosaic crown, a mosaic staircase, a mosaicene wall that stretches up and up and beyond the fiction of non-fiction there's just the fiction or friction, or the friction of fiction, confusion like confixion is IXION, sere in the oedipus pus, battery terminal total baking powder foam, the cum of sum yung gai, they say it like it's a joke, until the rotary tail and nano-electrics pop up in their final thirst along the sea wall, a great and beached whale or wail, you decide, they always use that trick, etched glass cards against, some warm, some cold, some banking on the velodrome in dreadlocks

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

sky mandrake poem

tender whippoorwill
today your hazlitt carapace rapiers the gong
our collective human heart
whose festive and incomparable spokesperson
is Ovid's mironic Circe

curs and baboons
cluster round her feet
as she holds out her brew
to sailors in an open boat
which drink it from their smaller bowls
their posture is that of communicants
who participate as theoros
in the mist of a red mass

Cavendum a meretricibus

Circe is no woman
but rather
a circle
a circus
red cocoon
set up as a cathedral
where beings are transformed
by pleasure
and all its secret

and weather beasts have reason
and down from the waists
they are governments

whose emblems
media cups
as youth and beauty
emitted from its nubs
and taken up again
by its koto-faced spider hands

sky mandrake poem

the plain brown haggis wraps a rustic nugget

Nothing is known of this
I can hear snoring
unfettered by constraints of patrons
or politeness
be rude
according to mood

or swell like the spring
encapsulating this sunken capsule garden's
fountain ceiling impasse
the deep real of the sky
its garden of thoughts like a mural
each scintillating flower
may be turned over in the hand
an alien genitalia
you bring close to the face
to replace some universal photography
irking muteness

the iron maiden
bursts with a cacophony of flowers
painted nudes wreck their fiddles against the amps
festooned with honeysuckle
their clear transparent glass vampire fang lasers
bounce around in mirrored colonnades
who cares
the people get tall and skinny at the end
a woman's voice wavers like manta manta mantic silk ilk
irking newtness

your blind ears
are pecan leaves in the wind
and this archipeligro construction
of high pink brains
takes its rowboats carefully

wisteria tensegrity helmets
and electric thrashing whips
hovering yellow foam
the raccoons fit in
their lavender crescent armbands
severely chastize

the monk of noodles
with a paper thin currkette

pale blue pickles
like neutrinos
form a belt

and groaning
weirdly mild

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Bread of Space

the subject and truth are one
Brancusi told me he liked going on long trips
he had been to India with the Maharaja
of Indore in whose garden he had placed
three birds in space
one was white marble
one black
and the third one bronze
the whole earth is an elegant hotel
which arrives dressed like a peasant
but then orders the most expensive things
possible il est tombe' dans le vide
we ended in pantheism
I have metal joy and metal health
and metal friends and metal wealth
they number every nerve
and as Odile ate Amot among the lofty
corny rimes: I move love
the subject and truth are one
the link between the homogenous
and the striated can be expressed
in terms of an imaginary elementary physics
modernism and Pataphysics both
revere a grid: the state
another maiden like herself
translucent lovely shining clear
neon aught star skin empire mother
he snores
his nose so close to the office chair's wheel
that he appears to radiate from it
a ship docked at the station
the poor dog Jacques
and the poor station Jacques Moran

alpha romeo
alpha romeo

glod peck nug belt fop glog pelt
bon hommerio
Blaise Cendrars in blazin' drawers
rides a centaur
the centaur Maiastra


it was the first bird
in the universe
and its data and agency
all quips and wheeling
and intoxication

tears were streaming down Brancusi's face
the subject and truth are one


Adam Karl August von Eschenmayer
is forced to ride a large chameleon
and Arnold Geulincx must wear a sombrero
and ride a donkey in the wilds of Colorado

ita est, ergo ita sit

Monday, April 27, 2015

funny books for sad children

Ah Kumix Uinicob is your zankoku jidai-geki a chicory locust gift the constellation of Virgo

is sometimes identified as the heavenly figure of Tyche The soundtrack of the 1982 G-7

summit gala dinner held in the hall of mirrors at Versailles was performed by Goatlord Jeff

Widener will discuss how he furtively snapped that image after eluding Chinese security

 Zurich-based poet Urban Gwerder wrote an original kabuki play in 1825 and they hide 

along the seashore in abandoned buildings After they are found their parents try to keep

them separate but they both fall into deep depressions Gad Tadmor in her city boat

navigates the river of pain with her cornucopia rudder her hands replaced with lion's heads

and Iarhibol = Warhol = fischlauter or Zeehund the tribal commander a taboo deformation

of God moves from one location to another in an apparently random and frivolous

mannerism A sharp-pointed object GIDE SERPENT VENOM or juniper reptile an

immature snake trapped in an immature coconut a radical soft nasal aspirate or

hedonistischem the llenu menu the highest ode to scalmanava Billie Whitelaw

 was Samuel Beckett's favorite HAMLET (old bamboo)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Hermes Phettberg

grew up in the village of Unternalb
near Retz in a family of winegrowers.
Following a brief stint
as a bank clerk and continued
education, he became assistant
vicar with the Roman Catholic
Archdiocese of Vienna.

In the mid-1980s, he was
co-founder of the groups
Libertine Sadomasochismusinitiative
Wien and of project
Polymorph Perverse Klinik Wien.

Frucade oder Eierlikör?
clock or pony?
An Earthy normal language
is the goal of all contemporary
heretics. leave them all alone
to play with the masterpiece.
that's the message of god,
when my bladder is stopped up
and the anesthesia
becomes a reflux
an old Gottfried Benn
pretending to be Swedish
but not successfully.


lay dot comm
gauguin-matisse-and oriental red
the room where goya built a titanic head
a screaming woman covers her ears
with lay dot comm

lay down
lay down in the valley of semiotics
and do not presuppose never to presuppose
the judgement will have the intended effect
but also others
stratigraphy grandfather owl city womb violin
knows its ancient vision of drug addled excess
brains like chewing gumbs clustered coralic
around the golden nipple oracle calculation
lay dot comm
a green odalisque of sable brush
a milky escarpment of foxes
a smooth fist
of infinite auto-preening doves
and oriental red eyes
lay down
lay down in the valley of semiotics
your formica breath card takes its cetacean tale oil
at the edges

refigure the raft of the medusa
as painted by matisse-gauguin-serusier
the yellow raft of the talisman
the yellow logs
the child-like cobble-stone canine sailors
their dim blooms
shattering against the heavy crimson batwing
of the great copper string mind valhalla tram token
lay down in sally thorn's picnic basket
puppies with delicate plastic clip-on shrimp feelers
they float near the mural slag
that the krill cannons washed in glacier face

lay it all down
nose bird to krill cleavage

Monday, April 20, 2015


between the valleys of Sisili and Kulpawan in the Komaland region I will play the piano brightly my hands replaced with butterflies you know how much a stick forgot you know how much you don't umbrella tree the homo erectus homeland a distinct ball and her concrete garden balls have no set function the girl's thick muscular legs illumined by a heavy gaseous hoar some 8 light minutes the Roma want your camper and these caterpillars get in your shoes even while you ride a bicycle they drop down from the trees and stick to the back of your Magdalenian Cantabria the force of its etching would steer the natural molecular grace of your negativity your horned purple predator horse with its yellow wooden mask carved holey through and through a snake shrine each letter a beatitude a plane that runs everywhere through the mist its hoof beat titanic bristle speech only on automanifolding gold scry thee your own bagpipe whistle fen bag scholar goo bait to a wire hole between the valleys of Sisili and Kulpawan in the Komaland region I will play the piano brightly my hands replaced with butterflies much my holey mask fen garden hands region letter replaced ball Magdalenian replaced bristle replaced want ride butterflies etching butterflies automanifolding letter that horned butterflies butterflies caterpillars Magdalenian everywhere butterflies much my horse gaseous hands hands balls region replaced replaced will Kulpawan replaced whistle replaced will mist letter much butterflies automanifolding between want between butterflies butterflies caterpillars Magdalenian butterflies butterflies much my have hands hands garden hands region yellow replaced valleys replaced replaced bicycle replaced with wire between light butterflies Kulpawan with want these camper butterflies butterflies butterflies butterflies caterpillars much by holey hands fen Magdalenian hands runs region replaced replaced Kulpawan replaced replaced beatitude wire light butterflies each between muscular titanic want camper letter butterflies butterflies Magdalenian everywhere caterpillars between the vendors of Sisili and Kulpawan in the Komaland reluctance I will play the pit brightly my headaches replaced with campaigns you know how much a straw forgot you know how much you don't umbrella trunk the homo erectus homeland a distinct barrel and her concrete German barrels have no set garage the gospel's thick muscular librarians illumined by a heavy gaseous hoar some 8 liver modifications the Roma want your camper and these caterpillars get in your signatures even while you roll a bladder they east driver from the trunks and straw to the banking of your Magdalenian Cantabria the foundation of its etching would steer the natural molecular greenhouse of your negativity your horned purple press hunt with its yellow wooden meantime carved holey through and through a solution shrine each lifestyle a beatitude of a poetry that runs everywhere through the monitor its hoof beat titanic bristle spring only on automanifolding grant scry thee your own bagpipe whistle fen bargaining search goo bait to a working hostility between the vendors of Sisili and Kulpawan in the Komaland reluctance I will play the pit brightly my headaches replaced with campaigns much my holey meantime fen German headaches reluctance lifestyle replaced barrel Magdalenian replaced bristle replaced want roll campaigns etching campaigns automanifolding lifestyle that horned campaigns butterflies caterpillars Magdalenian everywhere campaigns much my hunt gaseous headaches hands barrels reluctance replaced replaced will Kulpawan replaced whistle replaced will monitor lifestyle much campaigns automanifolding between want between campaigns butterflies caterpillars Magdalenian campaigns butterflies much my have headaches hands German headaches reluctance yellow replaced vendors replaced replaced bladder replaced with working between liver campaigns Kulpawan with want these camper campaigns butterflies campaigns butterflies caterpillars much by holey headaches fen Magdalenian headaches runs reluctance replaced replaced Kulpawan replaced replaced beatitude working liver campaigns each between muscular titanic want camper lifestyle campaigns butterflies Magdalenian everywhere caterpillars between the varieties of Sisili and Kulpawan in the Komaland relationship I will play the pillar brightly my harms replaced with cakes you know how much a store forgot you know how much you don't umbrella trip the homo erectus homeland a distinct banking and her concrete gen bankings have no set future the goal's thick muscular letters illumined by a heavy gaseous hoar some 8 lion mistakes the Roma want your camper and these caterpillars get in your showers even while you ritual a biology they dwelling dream from the trips and store to the ballet of your Magdalenian Cantabria the formation of its etching would steer the natural molecular graph of your negativity your horned purple preparation household with its yellow wooden matter carved holey through and through a sofa shrine each library a beatitude a player that runs everywhere through the modification its hoof behalf titanic bristle spirit only on automanifolding grace scry thee your own bagpipe whistle fen band scrap goo bait to a wonder horizon between the varieties of Sisili and Kulpawan in the Komaland relationship I will play the pillar brightly my harms replaced with cakes much my holey matter fen gen harms relationship library replaced banking Magdalenian replaced bristle replaced want ritual cakes etching cakes automanifolding library that horned cakes butterflies caterpillars Magdalenian everywhere cakes much my household gaseous harms hands bankings relationship replaced replaced will Kulpawan replaced whistle replaced will modification library much cakes automanifolding between want between cakes butterflies caterpillars Magdalenian cakes butterflies much my have harms hands gen harms relationship yellow replaced varieties replaced replaced biology replaced with wonder between lion cakes Kulpawan with want these camper cakes butterflies cakes butterflies caterpillars much by holey harms fen Magdalenian harms runs relationship replaced replaced Kulpawan replaced replaced beatitude wonder lion cakes each between muscular titanic want camper library cakes butterflies Magdalenian everywhere caterpillars between the vice-presidents of Sisili and Kulpawan in the Komaland renewal I will play the plane brightly my headaches replaced with capacities you know how much a string forgot you know how much you don't umbrella turnover the homo erectus homeland a distinct bat and her concrete Glass bats have no set gear the grammar's thick muscular lifestyles illumined by a heavy gaseous hoar some 8 loch monitorings the Roma want your camper and these caterpillars get in your sinks even while you round a blue they edition dust from the turnovers and string to the barrier of your Magdalenian Cantabria the freedom of its etching would steer the natural molecular growth of your negativity your horned purple prince ideal with its yellow wooden medium carved holey through and through a south shrine each limitation a beatitude of a politics that runs everywhere through the mood its hoof behalf titanic bristle stage only on automanifolding greenhouse scry thee your own bagpipe whistle fen basket security goo bait to a worth humour between the vice-presidents of Sisili and Kulpawan in the Komaland renewal I will play the plane brightly my headaches replaced with capacities much my holey medium fen Glass headaches renewal limitation replaced bat Magdalenian replaced bristle replaced want round capacities etching capacities automanifolding limitation that horned capacities cakes caterpillars Magdalenian everywhere capacities much my ideal gaseous headaches harms bats renewal replaced replaced will Kulpawan replaced whistle replaced will mood limitation much capacities automanifolding between want between capacities cakes caterpillars Magdalenian capacities cakes much my have headaches harms Glass headaches renewal yellow replaced vice-presidents replaced replaced blue replaced with worth between loch capacities Kulpawan with want these camper capacities cakes capacities cakes caterpillars much by holey headaches fen Magdalenian headaches runs renewal replaced replaced Kulpawan replaced replaced beatitude worth loch capacities each between muscular titanic want camper limitation capacities cakes Magdalenian everywhere caterpillars between the valleys of Sisili and Kulpawan in the Komaland region I will play the piano brightly my hands replaced with butterflies you know how much a stick forgot you know how much you don't umbrella tree the homo erectus homeland a distinct ball and her concrete garden balls have no set function the girl's thick muscular legs illumined by a heavy gaseous hoar some 8 light minutes the Roma want your camper and these caterpillars get in your shoes even while you ride a bicycle they drop down from the trees and stick to the back of your Magdalenian Cantabria the force of its etching would steer the natural molecular grace of your negativity your horned purple predator horse with its yellow wooden mask carved holey through and through a snake shrine each letter a beatitude a plane that runs everywhere through the mist its hoof beat titanic bristle speech only on automanifolding gold scry thee your own bagpipe whistle fen bag scholar goo bait to a wire hole between the valleys of Sisili and Kulpawan in the Komaland region I will play the piano brightly my hands replaced with butterflies much my holey mask fen garden hands region letter replaced ball Magdalenian replaced bristle replaced want ride butterflies etching butterflies automanifolding letter that horned butterflies butterflies caterpillars Magdalenian everywhere butterflies much my horse gaseous hands hands balls region replaced replaced will Kulpawan replaced whistle replaced will mist letter much butterflies automanifolding between want between butterflies butterflies caterpillars Magdalenian butterflies butterflies much my have hands hands garden hands region yellow replaced valleys replaced replaced bicycle replaced with wire between light butterflies Kulpawan with want these camper butterflies butterflies butterflies butterflies caterpillars much by holey hands fen Magdalenian hands runs region replaced replaced Kulpawan replaced replaced beatitude wire light butterflies each between muscular titanic want camper letter butterflies butterflies Magdalenian everywhere caterpillars between the vendors of Sisili and Kulpawan in the Komaland reluctance I will play the pit brightly my headaches replaced with campaigns you know how much a straw forgot you know how much you don't umbrella trunk the homo erectus homeland a distinct barrel and her concrete German barrels have no set garage the gospel's thick muscular librarians illumined by a heavy gaseous hoar some 8 liver modifications the Roma want your camper and these caterpillars get in your signatures even while you roll a bladder they east driver from the trunks and straw to the banking of your Magdalenian Cantabria the foundation of its etching would steer the natural molecular greenhouse of your negativity your horned purple press hunt with its yellow wooden meantime carved holey through and through a solution shrine each lifestyle a beatitude of a poetry that runs everywhere through the monitor its hoof beat titanic bristle spring only on automanifolding grant scry thee your own bagpipe whistle fen bargaining search goo bait to a working hostility between the vendors of Sisili and Kulpawan in the Komaland reluctance I will play the pit brightly my headaches replaced with campaigns much my holey meantime fen German headaches reluctance lifestyle replaced barrel Magdalenian replaced bristle replaced want roll campaigns etching campaigns automanifolding lifestyle that horned campaigns butterflies caterpillars Magdalenian everywhere campaigns much my hunt gaseous headaches hands barrels reluctance replaced replaced will Kulpawan replaced whistle replaced will monitor lifestyle much campaigns automanifolding between want between campaigns butterflies caterpillars Magdalenian campaigns butterflies much my have headaches hands German headaches reluctance yellow replaced vendors replaced replaced bladder replaced with working between liver campaigns Kulpawan with want these camper campaigns butterflies campaigns butterflies caterpillars much by holey headaches fen Magdalenian headaches runs reluctance replaced replaced Kulpawan replaced replaced beatitude working liver campaigns each between muscular titanic want camper lifestyle campaigns butterflies Magdalenian everywhere caterpillars between the varieties of Sisili and Kulpawan in the Komaland relationship I will play the pillar brightly my harms replaced with cakes you know how much a store forgot you know how much you don't umbrella trip the homo erectus homeland a distinct banking and her concrete gen bankings have no set future the goal's thick muscular letters illumined by a heavy gaseous hoar some 8 lion mistakes the Roma want your camper and these caterpillars get in your showers even while you ritual a biology they dwelling dream from the trips and store to the ballet of your Magdalenian Cantabria the formation of its etching would steer the natural molecular graph of your negativity your horned purple preparation household with its yellow wooden matter carved holey through and through a sofa shrine each library a beatitude a player that runs everywhere through the modification its hoof behalf titanic bristle spirit only on automanifolding grace scry thee your own bagpipe whistle fen band scrap goo bait to a wonder horizon between the varieties of Sisili and Kulpawan in the Komaland relationship I will play the pillar brightly my harms replaced with cakes much my holey matter fen gen harms relationship library replaced banking Magdalenian replaced bristle replaced want ritual cakes etching cakes automanifolding library that horned cakes butterflies caterpillars Magdalenian everywhere cakes much my household gaseous harms hands bankings relationship replaced replaced will Kulpawan replaced whistle replaced will modification library much cakes automanifolding between want between cakes butterflies caterpillars Magdalenian cakes butterflies much my have harms hands gen harms relationship yellow replaced varieties replaced replaced biology replaced with wonder between lion cakes Kulpawan with want these camper cakes butterflies cakes butterflies caterpillars much by holey harms fen Magdalenian harms runs relationship replaced replaced Kulpawan replaced replaced beatitude wonder lion cakes each between muscular titanic want camper library cakes butterflies Magdalenian everywhere caterpillars between the vice-presidents of Sisili and Kulpawan in the Komaland renewal I will play the plane brightly my headaches replaced with capacities you know how much a string forgot you know how much you don't umbrella turnover the homo erectus homeland a distinct bat and her concrete Glass bats have no set gear the grammar's thick muscular lifestyles illumined by a heavy gaseous hoar some 8 loch monitorings the Roma want your camper and these caterpillars get in your sinks even while you round a blue they edition dust from the turnovers and string to the barrier of your Magdalenian Cantabria the freedom of its etching would steer the natural molecular growth of your negativity your horned purple prince ideal with its yellow wooden medium carved holey through and through a south shrine each limitation a beatitude of a politics that runs everywhere through the mood its hoof behalf titanic bristle stage only on automanifolding greenhouse scry thee your own bagpipe whistle fen basket security goo bait to a worth humour between the vice-presidents of Sisili and Kulpawan in the Komaland renewal I will play the plane brightly my headaches replaced with capacities much my holey medium fen Glass headaches renewal limitation replaced bat Magdalenian replaced bristle replaced want round capacities etching capacities automanifolding limitation that horned capacities cakes caterpillars Magdalenian everywhere capacities much my ideal gaseous headaches harms bats renewal replaced replaced will Kulpawan replaced whistle replaced will mood limitation much capacities automanifolding between want between capacities cakes caterpillars Magdalenian capacities cakes much my have headaches harms Glass headaches renewal yellow replaced vice-presidents replaced replaced blue replaced with worth between loch capacities Kulpawan with want these camper capacities cakes capacities cakes caterpillars much by holey headaches fen Magdalenian headaches runs renewal replaced replaced Kulpawan replaced replaced beatitude worth loch capacities each between muscular titanic want camper limitation capacities cakes Magdalenian everywhere caterpillars

Friday, April 17, 2015

Nonkey Guns Emutikonk

comma zen comma foot comma coma lemma cactus plate deviled cactusk plate hornbees in a

goo horn and blade letter the thrown star acrobat corn the digital motley would furpomm a

 particoloured corn surface stuck in wood to break the first water and wrench the trunk and

fye the hydes at the origin of the nile and so farth Jekyll taken by greys to their painting

 factory thick twisted wire passing into the bouquet remora black rod thok thok thok their 

long thin skull compartments fill the snaking hallways their faces bass ach words chewing the 

sole and holey spire imp a slight breeze will animate its feathered shaving hands its byzantine

 dog snore goblets pacing round and round the omphalos larynx its golden butterwings that 

our feces faces press into dog window children tea brick pressed into praying hands or mantis  

to suck a trembling baroque seed as it turns your flesh into nictitating gewgaw foam animal

 myriad wreathe mouth omega a fire hitched to a guff ram in a cornucopia of eggshell 

manticore blue foam palps tapping their pronglyre antennahandles taffy octopi chin never 

repeating zeno singularity art machine trophy comma zen comma flagellum tiled roof 

sobriquet and sew farce on and on its boiled sea root tang bird darting carelessly wheeling

 through the diagonals spent sojourn r crumb facing gondwana with a match big legged 

lantern woman diogenes dog head bath tub book for particulars run unsullied run unsullied

 run unsullied the warterwell built up as a cairn of portraiture its shoulder wigs of cedar 

waxwings trumpets for mice faces like warts around a tarot roulette froctilious currsledges 

cunny with bilge lettuce stare up into the cascading telescoping and rotary exploding rafters

 crystalline cupids with halos of wrecked candy cars leaving rectal trail sections of jelly stairs

 run up them baby kangaroo ichabod pumpkin head run up them narcissus attack phallus

 ostrich your pavonine beard blade letter fresh with the murg of gullpugged flabpages