Wednesday, April 8, 2015

storicizzazione cum szombaton

while they are buried standing
with their larynx pointed
at the direction of the nearest tree
poglomytre deuteronomy
the error comes flushing
the second law

why do these enormous round bow white sails
englobe the camp's staves no boat
no ocean but the wild prairie gives
a book lung while they hang
from their top knot sleeping high up
in the air on a tether stair step leaves
to guide the paintbrush nowhere

only to consider its line as a life
uniting plagues and deep green meadows
connecting wild thistle flute
to boar man
whale berries
gloating over wings
they could
could not wood face
or wood face propulsion track

crazed hammock maze mirthmurk
its sling arm throne
the leader always has a broken arm
a broken arm flute a monkey plays
ratcheting his ass through the stations of the rainbow
merely mimic and fall down
the doodle bug inkwell crane wheel frog bone lace face
surseizure in piece

a copy of this law

a bull's head blowing its own bubble helmet
for a spyglass mating ritual
I see a small bearded man
standing awkwardly on a dropcloth
which covers the praelego sphinx
which eludes him
but the brown lightning of its face

still leeks threw

while he reaches upward
for the fringes of a ball
its members
countering all dances

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.