Sunday, April 19, 2020

an oericle of synurus

surfsample club mint foot
hoot in any owl jade hollow
emblem replication sort
then follow the linear distribution
to proscenium creation
comedy to the timeline
is a platform for the spider
in a mint mask of surf hoof
jute and concrete ovufeticle

there is a road between
the spider's parody
and the tightrope walker's
surfsample club mint foot
or "foot dangling into volcano"
attaches to gooey silk
these ancient hawaiians
carried their pineapple colored
living spider rosaries around their shoulders
into high curling surf of philosophy
crashing upon the stones of proscenium
every happy child in the beach world
is fitted with a heavy distorted
terracotta mask of
rudely crafted mud maps

hoot through a horn
of replicating owl emblems
zarathustra the spider
led these jungle and forest wrapped
people into regions of club foot
and mint
pineapple head spiders
gilded their svelte shoulders
in a lava of rickety tight-rope walkers
strange geometric volumes
formed the backdrop of the stage
and some had doors
where form took its lava to attention
holy pompeii in tahiti lava mint horns
your club feet odalisques
are gooey with the rickety
pie apple conquered silk

the amphitheater
which was the apex
of the lingam of the cindercone
was surfing in mint
pale yellow sweet-tasting lava
the small mask-like spider
was trapped mid road horn
in the tiny foot of amber
which dangled from the nostril
of the schizomidan dorsal comedy plate
celsus and cetus
having been zippered up
in the plastic body of andromeda
gooey with owl ricket proscenium
and silk codpiece analogues
quotations of abandoned
pineapple colored leathermasked
dendrite canoes hung gingerly
with amberbaby spiderclubfoot charms
the awesome tone of gryllix
pancake of rising brain nudities

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.