Tuesday, April 21, 2020

kilim breughel cups sit soft and dark

the ornamental
lungs were woven out
of twisting wicks
when only one side of the rung
is attached yet the stalk
is strong
there are many dimensions
of travel across the surface
of its chin of lung wicks
burning with robins
cardinals do they know
that bee elk inked
a ham of we-la luhu karang-wa stilts
stilts stuck fast as rungs
in the slowly churmurring
chin ladder surface

ornamental wick furred lungs
are hung over the doors and lit
when the sane deep weather cults
the vane directions' pharaoh's halo motes
and the small and globular wax mountains
of sacrificial people revolt
in their jaunty maroon
and yellow striped corduroy jumpsuits
logs pass through the canvas
into parts unknown

the longest ladder
is a twin candle
in which the brain unites the birds
birds may make a flying brain
and their dark eyes
are the candling
young kites clone mantas
in these clouds
of egg-shaped tuning forks

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