Monday, April 20, 2020

plunky a strangs

quonseth rustibago lungfellow
blitely brutes th'vare
and when clusters seethe
its seth again
shadow-rider onto a shadow hare
for it may be a bonny lake
trees and shore
but the upright grasshopper's
never far all odes held tightly
to the horde empyream
of the hare-grasshopers'

the uncracked geodde of eyes
sees nothing but darkness
and to darkness it crowes
but seething seth
has a brighter side
yet still deformed
it growes!

aye, your wide mansion
is nary but a batshead
grown weird with tinkling herbs

and batfrog

here are the vests
of your fleshly
camera retort

green lemurbat
in bright leaf armor
and little skis
of hard green
foetal bananas

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.