Tuesday, April 21, 2020

"it sees it"

(thinking about my old friend ed benson; r.i.p.)

those paintings always happened
in something like outer space
or at least within the realm of absolute spirit
there was never a hint of blue sky (only blackness)
and if there was a horizon it was simply a line
and if there was a human person involved
one could always see through them
and often one glimpsed some form of the human organs
through the transparent skin but it can also be said
the organs the entire body was often reduced or
expanded upon as a symbolic system

as i said
the organs were visible
but highly symbolic
some were depicted
as radiating frames or waves
usually the brain but not always
sometimes a whole set of organs
might be replaced with a group of symbols
while another group was (re)presented
more realistically

the organs were all
highly 'visually radioactive'
in the sense that all defining human contours
had become disturbed by an overwhelming
aura of energy pouring from the collective
set of organs and in the energetic excitation
enacted by interactions in the world
of the absolute spirit of the concrete world
a kind of negation wherein the evanescence
of the physical world is shown as a symbolic
cartoon of the body and vice versa
a cartoon of the evanescence of spirit

a lot of the artist's paintings were
by his own admission 'hegelian cartoons'
and he invented a smaller cartoon analog
of a private set of hieroglyphics to populate
(often) the thought bubbles
of his transparent skinned
feathered energy beings
whose heads were often set in clouds
of empty frames of reference
like little windows

in fact these paintings began before
we had gui window frames in computers
for reference.. these frames referenced
abstracted spatiality in a concrete way
at least 10 years before the first gui
framelike representations of app execution

imagine a painter
who paints hovering frames
without humans shown
frames in which some symbolic
event or events is occurring
events which release
a graphic energy

graphic energy
like zigzags
or waves
composed of red
yellow orange
and white
green or blue

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