Tuesday, April 21, 2020

construction #3

what happens
when engagement
turns out to be
is heartbeat hysterical
mystical coma
separated from
the silent energy bank
of excess space turmoil
when in the moment
of the culmination
of the alchemical marriage
the person objection
(monas heitch = psyclotope)
to the sacred union
begins to wail
in gibberish:

tikari'ka tika tika tika
milengue seatrahv holu
cansok ku darmok
saderzerste pothezelve
vogalka sodar zief
stommbaum hooter
faundung mutt fleon
fain zealgrog potterm
ucceheffen oude driesen
doot doot lenithion
ormulum gogon triafaspurry
thetty thatt tissunt
xenogolgus which is
ooof which also gibbers
to bezumie incessantly:

hi-he - ha- ho- hu
chri - chre-chra -chro -chru
wri-wre-wra- wro-wru


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