Sunday, April 19, 2020

sign nets stuttering

interfacing and interlocking
expanding segment rings
of lapis lazuli are seen to
by an animated and snaking

emblem of doggerel science fiction
purring questions:

is logomania not decadence?
is surface tension of principle's
history not benign romance
animal desire
and viral ignorance?

if a perfectly carved and miniscule
jade tree is set in the engraving
of its exact opposite in bloodstone
or red carnelian
would griffin herald
moral consciousness?

carving itself is twinned

solar signetry
for all its anciently disordered pyramids
found clouds of uniquely
mutant systemancy
beaming to adjustments

there are frail old planets
in elliptical orbits
and on one
a thin jeweled fungus
carved by ignorance
and wonder

a tree grows solemnly
from the earthly cabochon
of your sample signet

the marriage of earth
and sky desires
a divorce from the measures
of meretricious ornaments

or empty judgements
ache and capsize
within a day

light passes
toward interruption
in translucent operations

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.