Monday, April 13, 2020

black hole wayang dinner navel turtle

(mirrored demon village)

dinner inside così fan tutte
the diamond turtle resonates
as its face shells replicate
velocity sacrament island
these very slow dancers
may be surrounded by the effects
of flashing mirrors

mirror puppets hung by vines
glitter monkeys hurling wayang
black hole navel dinner
gliding mirrored monkey turtle houses
their balconies stuffed with furious dancers
whose skins are diamond mirror threads

diamond demon mask fountain
inside the turtle
intricate patterns once small
become the happy village

dinner is the turtle
of safe mathematical devices
safe mathematical practices
the turtle moves slowly but inside
the black hole dancers move ferociously
/ erratic / a turtle dancer's head
is made of seven monkeys who embrace
and vibrate as a lover

the diamond of digestion
is complex and disconcerting
the mirrored wayang turtle demon puppets
are hollow and form our jungle home
each vine is a judgement
each jungle is a string
each turtle is a simple mathematical formula
a mantra of a codex of a lover

hacking into the jungle of mirrors
the slow puppets make their crazy village
a school for lovers
and crazy dances pour out
colored strings are made of mirrors
and mirrors are made
of diamond turtle demons
spewing flaming monkey dancers
from the holes in the math
black holes which speak in chromatic feather arrays
of sparkling erotic digestions

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