Tuesday, April 14, 2020

the last fairy tale in verse by alexander putin

perruding buns your
natural hostility
toward evangelical determinisms
a platypus is erect (with lupins)
upon the casa blanca

i can't stand it
how many percentages
of morning mourning
in the moors
there are more
tales of the alhambra
by washington irving
alive in the old pirate ship's
septic 18th century

come with me
into the heart of the sun castle
"how unworthy is my scribbling of the place."
perruded buns are worth mentioning
combining description, myth and narrations
of real historical events
the black washington

the mushroom
the dark strange hermit of earth
alone within
the creation of destruction
and the destruction of creation

irony is an ass and
moistly hung jesus saddles touch
together within
the tale of the golden cockerel

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