Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tibetan Butter Future Traders

I stink of Scornful Butter Statues,
littering my mind as
Here sit I in the Ta'er monastery
in Tibet
yanking on a yak teat

all day all night
never once going to New York
never once selling off my REITs
who have eaten bad paper
like the cat eats a rotten shrimp's head

I work some cat vomit
into the butter

I work the butter
into the image of


I buy some oil stock
with monthly dividends
but it does not
smell like yak butter

I screw a nun, but her skin
is not as soft as yak butter

I look at art
but it all just looks like
cat's vomit

I read a poem
and it all just
sounds like mantra
mantra manta ray

I call out to
and hear the shining syllable

pick up E-trade corporate stock
while cheap, or look for any
divi returns up to 19%

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.