Wednesday, September 5, 2012


comma, lingua lethur television backporch name of signal component inside Zenith today highpockets venice griffin, lethur waterskin and pool pony taken rakish, brackish for deep stone basin heterodoxy semicomma, cologne pit of cookies its files or rank undertoe letters stretch to lines to diagram of time the building's original form sections of skins of lethur, lingua hand rank shook hook tails and black tie globular ink staircase to found the improbable remains for what future could escape this having already gone temporal rhizome pharaoh roots dug out from within the green pyramid / pen-GUI-n the mirrored liquid MATRIX / LACAN and mercury gas idea messenger burning man bulb thief think theme emit emyth mth antenna from the barrel vault would coccusurety and milking fur from its lethur bird fur for comma, commonlingua, semicommon judge house under roam theme changes changes theme emits ya natch no name goading the oddity on to ode its prim prose path the rose god forever aluminum

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