Saturday, September 19, 2009

Be Nice. It Feels Good.

The picture jasper telephone
sat heavy and cold in the
chill darkness of the den
like a bowling ball
wreathed in continents.

Why are you angry?
Why are you carnival limerick abacus?
Why are you cavernous blue delta?

Slabs of heavy cold picture jasper
make the stairs which reach up
into the carpetted turret
of big stuffed red velvet squirrels.

There are 3 calculators in the house,
none of which are scientific, none

Around the front door frame
are 6 vibrating black metal hands
of various mudra.

There is a weird painful nose magic,
or skin disorder (bad spider dream_
which has ruined the c0mic book.

He finds the land of Mu mentioned by Plato;
he finds "the Land of Mu," or "Lands of the West"
in the Troano Manuscript, an ancient Mayan book,
and in the Codex Cortesianus, another Mayan book;
he finds it in the Lhasa record, and in hundreds
of other writings in all parts of the world,
including India, Egypt, Greece, Central America,
and Mexico.

Be nice to little dogs
named Sidekick, Jasper, or


Purple gillmen or ladies
do not prefer sidecars

unless flagellum submerge.


  1. Fantastic! Also like "Soylent Green Rewritten."

  2. Thanks Angela!
    Just woke up.
    yay, the weekend!


Irrony Observes The Earthing.