Friday, July 26, 2013


Luka Luka
Swimbladder skeuomorph
 Robber T'macaire Holy Motors
MICROBO twitterweeds jumping
to Conclusions. Smile! les mots
et des espaces Solanum_dulcamara
the "poorest of twiners" how
chide thee rainbow

garlic parasol
licking the geist echo's tongue
beside the sun
the solar object is calling you
lingam mortu latte'
purple shiva pate'
the wig roasting applets convolving

a man is levitating in Rome
using a heavy platform
and a metal chair structure
concealed in his costume
and flute-like walking cane machine
poem carnival
corpse unio


total total brown donkey ogalala
happy derby days do diligent prepress with uncle okra cats
kiss corncrib lullabyes with fleece panned gold digging dungarees
for filibert thistlebuster will whistle blow your hottcodcopferfuntingrubbles

Biscuit sidecar
Aunt Jemimah motorcycle racing leathers
blue leather

blue leather
hot blue leather bikini
blue leather pouch SAMHAIN

blue leather pumpkin pouch SAMHAIN

seeking whatever decibel


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Irrony Observes The Earthing.