Thursday, July 25, 2013

S / psychotic episode

///////////////////////////////////////mother's mouth
is atlantis or rather the alexandrian coupling
of a librarian's wish for power with a vision
of stingrays stacked vertically like books the
stingrays glass being viewscreens memory
dumps storage facilities and they converse
independent of any students or researchers
in mother's mouth the archive is a sentient
cryptic commentary on objecthood itself

the letters are wastelands their forms cyphers
for the indecipherable interactions of flesh
and hollow and the series as enunciative
flourish as scintilla but the entire void re
sounds as a hieroglyphic font a fountain
of psyfonophonts foundering upon the
foundation of atlantis mother's mouth
would retain all possibilities for library
coupling with the power wish hushed
in its closing words//////////////////////////////

cumuloa anoa kush fush shower shoal
hole boat cast cool look take clover if
tame lip lowered trellis sever salve kiss
whiff pure pulled ladder lifting treacle
mist managed tryst tower fulmen
iron girding rover bloom reckon
haeken ourdoure ousriff adda bpun

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