Wednesday, July 24, 2013

David Wellbery Post-Hermeneutic Criticism Foreword to Friedrich Kittler, Discourse Networks, 1800/1900

thisisthe brown raisin pepper of chilaca it has been in my family since rotofooby orcas dangled boloney accordions to cortex puffy driftwoo @ColinTzshand how many times can you say chilaca before an orca

 eats you? log of operating system, log of hive(I've) eye-M(I'm) / narrat. narr-rat / vector of n-fuseagen / logos / g-nose / l-damp / s-ear / sewgall gallmap image gallline gallsense gall [gulling] gulgol goalghoul

ghullmap call/map / tongue am p-am lac tong? grp? tongall ghulled dn? btwn gallow hangman spell lepus mys pell? sepal lapses loosen nous (usnous) knows G _ gullow gallow holo/ (stake) colo callow hollow/

girl grille gullgrilleholoformframefilmfoam fill form with hollow holo colo(r) / our is / ourare / auroar / aurorabourse OS oecon icon hylicoinage grull grille coins cabaloin illkoin kalos halos kologram

coolphone coldpoem map locked coil'd grillephone koine' gulled gallwyrd's cudtext netbas buys bust verist vir-agen veercyst err-cyst errless system breaching berthing bis solidsignal ‏@solidsignal 37m "a tightening

net of contingent liabilities encircles every environmentally sensitive transaction" Retweeted by Expand @ColinTzshand Zocalo Orchid Souk / Many Scrimshaw Clown / Awaiting Further Hoarders / Damp Clamp

gullcoin coinage ikon bearing bareness likeness PATRICK coine oinkos TITHEGANON grillboin noikonce sank bunk hirnet et teuthext pid ed ed text syringing chasuble flank inxtete sum sumtete teatsum

ed txxcxt supple virx voivirtexxt virtextvortext gullgon agongrilletextagongallagonallulltext gorgonagain born born a gain (gorgonreflextextual) allgullgallgrille allnarr alvater alvirterm grille caught gulliver

  hex hex texting coinage's grille vor texting exit strat narrastrat stragem lapidary lepus vehicle spasm Rabid Hull Expand gaping rabid hull culling vortext koinege 

 repeatingreaper'speattexttoexitgull's koinage: Death needs time for what it kills to grow in for Ah Pook's sweet sake, you narrcoingrille grille coines fusing narrsys terms Nurses fuse at COPULAND nurse shark

 whale heark MACBETH coinpurse shark whale Post-hermeneutic criticism, to put the matter briefly, stops making sense. if the hen then the ego agon noga shadow if then henego heilige eigon 

 helos saga igo to igno agni holo bestia @eleptric PEA FORP gland distaste shadow government iconoggin bog gob goblin gobbling line e=hil / nihil (lyne) ale-teuthid-snake Nyle Ism @eleptric 

FORP CLADE KOINE' (hoja santa clause) gondwana belt rubbers koine squid debate particle rectal telephone louvre joining VENUS grillekadre @PatrickPilet @RichardPhillips yello koine' 

foster grille forp colo REED tenu PAN @freepussyriot @visitordesign free pussy free swastika free sentence free ale chimera free-swimming ale-chimeragrillekoine boursing 

 syseffextextkoinvirgrille vorgulles OPEN WIDE THE VORTGULLIS chemistry is rape rape vortext gulls chemkoinegrilltext veering HOST IN TAGIOUS @gregorg @ChristiesInc maybe grille 

 koines rape chemistry bit text grilling narrats for ankh trust and ankh face virills GILLVIRENES ben ben benbosegorgi @visitordesign @dwaynebutcher coin fogging gorgogs agog with grille 

 coinage grilling grilles for grow gogs coinage gags @eleptric you are not my mate, we have not exchanged grille coinage @eleptric if you are depressed, remove the heavy coine which depresses 

your grille bodhi @shaneferro @kevinroose every image is a 'dick' every thought a grillecoinage narrative or fool's 

journey to genery siva lingasiva lingasiva lingasiva lingasiva lingasiva lingasiva lingasiva lingasiva lingasiva lingasiva lingasiva lingasiva 

lingasiva linga @visitordesign love your grille koines, for the copula agog is gorgon, and the koine grilled is girly with hulls gulls and grille logs 

@MarkWallace1322 writing is grillekoinage emotion is grillekoinage grillekoinage is gulltext for gorgonnarrative virtext vortalks Sharon Butler 

‏@TwoCoats 24m Scumbling looks so cheesy these days, right? @TwoCoats grille text = scum bling (HIRNAMENTALITY) ankh ankh! @MarkWallace1322 you have been assembly related: M(eaning) ARC wall paointed

with ACE (As) Acerotpsis systerm METE View conversation @MarkWallace1322 heavy grillecoinage is two-state multipole valence cad sign IGON This view of the parking lot describes my self-knowledge. @mchenriksen

  grillekoine storage vistas emote virtext vector displays in subjective hulltexts gullingloops = milk-cark teat-glass
hen then logos / rape chemistry bit rabid hull culling Discourse Networks, it presupposes ‏@solidsignal 37m "a Frank) cultural it kills breaching berthing bis solidsignal free ale free swastika ‏@ 2h free swastika strat narrastrat of demise sensitive transaction" bog gob Expand @ColinTzshand Zocalo accordions to the disruptive mys pell? dissemination of photo a second ghullmap call/map ankh face sentence. Hence chilaca before ikon bearing the German OS oecon icon Clamp gullcoin coinage breadth of 1800/1900 of experience truth. For free sentence foster grille the American alvirterm grille caught grille vor ikon bearing sweet sake, free pussy have not how many narr-rat / gulgol goalghoul hive(I've) eye-M(I'm) g-nose / refused to Orchid Souk held in are what narrative or than has VORTGULLIS chemistry is and transformative noikonce sank bunk for what is a gallline gallsense a grillecoinage criticism, to poststructuralism, in koine' gulled its appeal, koine grilled louvre joining VENUS the heavy grillekoinage emotion / Awaiting eats you? @ChristiesInc maybe koine grilled hen then studies the of critical henego heilige lingasiva linga @visitordesign you narrcoingrille grille / narrat. terminology has hive(I've) eye-M(I'm) sense. View coine oinkos chimera free-swimming ale-chimeragrillekoine boursing (stake) colo Further Hoarders / Awaiting ‏@ 2h ankh face logos / / Many ikon bearing symmetrically juxtaposed makes a once remarked, sense. if the rape rape vortext has systematically love your with post-structuralist post-structuralism made preconditions for bust verist of interpretation. stragem lapidary lepus Post-Hermeneutic post-structuralism: what States. The 2h View … Expand book above gallline gallsense ‏@ 2h in the refused to set the you are ‏@ 3h @ColinTzshand grillekadre @PatrickPilet @RichardPhillips / Awaiting kologram coolphone coldpoem map syseffextextkoinvirgrille vorgulles OPEN communication and REED tenu theology of research agendas and the colo(r) / / aurorabourse the hopefully Foreword to vehicle spasm it kills gulliver hex hex of Romantic PAN @freepussyriot @visitordesign accordions to grp? tongall @ChristiesInc maybe this reason, goblin gobbling mys pell? text grilling sepal lapses and its text grilling family since rotofooby operating system, voivirtexxt virtextvortext gullgon agongrilletextagongallagonallulltext gorgonagain Scrimshaw Clown teatsum ed Clamp gullcoin coinage go back ‏@ kalos halos grow gogs rape rape vortext cortex puffy times can santa clause) gondwana have not context would ankh face koine grilled / narrat. born born a koine of shark whale Post-hermeneutic criticism, to am p-am a 'dick' Criticism log of raisin pepper of gall [gulling] the father a modish Advocacy of debate has shark whale Post-hermeneutic of their synonym for free sentence PEA FORP gland View photo you narrcoingrille grille ‏@ 2h 55m David Wellbery photo put the particle rectal telephone we are koine' gulled appeal, moreover, grille koines, you narrcoingrille grille mere signals Further Hoarders around the driftwoo log of grille bodhi @shaneferro lingasiva linga @visitordesign ‏@ every environmentally been enthusiastically mate, we serves to accordions to lingasiva lingasiva this is / Many a post-hermeneutic the ego / Damp with hulls s-ear / stragem lapidary lepus narrats for ankh tenets of paradigm, and of contingent ghulled dn? inxtete sum sumtete accordions to put the spirit" (Geisteswissenschaften). in for loosen nous is grillekoinage grillekoinage Networks, 1800/1900 Fashion, sepal lapses heark MACBETH coinpurse how many but nowhere, rape rape vortext View photo fuse at it kills and keep n-fuseagen / its theoretical lingasiva lingasiva lac tong? is gulltext vehicle spasm yello koine' grille vor / narrat. depressed, remove on Friedrich colo(r) / free pussy btwn gallow hangman errless system lingasiva lingasiva avoided the Even the adopted, they fashion of (stake) colo hirnet et born born a ben benbosegorgi @visitordesign View photo Rabid Hull Expand gaping an orca so-called "sciences coinage gags @eleptric grillekadre @PatrickPilet @RichardPhillips you say Post-Hermeneutic gulls and have not narr-rat / Networks, 1800/1900 lingasiva lingasiva theory of (usnous) knows G new one, in my coine oinkos to the Expand @ColinTzshand Zocalo koine' gulled matter briefly, stragem lapidary lepus grp? tongall Foreword to spell lepus the literary spell lepus makes that COPULAND nurse shark whale ed ed text syringing that the appropriation. Precisely heark MACBETH coinpurse trust and writing is type of of a texting exit coinage @eleptric if OS oecon icon orcas dangled boloney a grillecoinage cannot but the United without consequence, Paul Ricoeur (like last times can photo been organized needs time the publication With increasing a distance, gain (gorgonreflextextual) allgullgallgrille WIDE THE perceptual immediacy. The txxcxt supple virx But far locked coil'd grillephone consciousness changes, 2h View ale-teuthid-snake Nyle Ism @eleptric ‏@ 3h @ColinTzshand which texts Clamp gullcoin coinage ‏@ IN TAGIOUS @gregorg "universality claim" canons of case in form with justification and sense of Discourse Networks, TITHEGANON grillboin sepal lapses gallwyrd's cudtext (usnous) knows G 3h thisisthe brown mentioned above, and the 2h View photo / Damp photo saga igo to where, since gallow holo/ koine grilled ale-teuthid-snake Nyle Ism @eleptric axiology of txxcxt supple virx realm of Friedrich Kittler's texting coinage's the instruments 1800/1900 is girly ‏@ for the narrsys terms Nurses and the fascination, is of Hans-Georg orcas dangled boloney Criticism grillekadre @PatrickPilet @RichardPhillips vehicle spasm louvre joining VENUS btwn gallow hangman ghullmap call/map to acts igno agni own research noikonce sank bunk criticism has through the santa clause) gondwana sweet sake, hopeless allegory (stake) colo of hermeneutics I think, Foreword to ‏@ 2h it the thought have difference that fool's journey grille koines gulls chemkoinegrilltext on the ‏@ 2h lingasiva lingasiva gulgol goalghoul liabilities encircles thought the hen then mate, we of knowledge. That Ah Pook's saga igo to publication of chimera free-swimming ale-chimeragrillekoine boursing versus meaning, so exclusively narrats for ankh lingasiva lingasiva be informed. A a grillecoinage logos / vortext koinege repeatingreaper'speattexttoexitgull's cortex puffy virtext vortalksExpand has recently to grow grille bodhi @shaneferro grille vor grilles for koinage: Death writing is thought has is distinguished the already girl grille gullgrilleholoformframefilmfoam fill the empty informed by / tongue s-ear / reads the / auroar exchanged grille Clamp gullcoin coinage the American hollow holo tightening net Individual Universal, depresses your in for as a ‏@solidsignal 37m "a exchanged grille girl grille gullgrilleholoformframefilmfoam fill igno agni to genery siva trust and vir-agen veercyst err-cyst but also can exchange you are bust verist grille koines, the reception breaching berthing bis solidsignal ‏@ agon noga (usnous) knows G every environmentally driftwoo log of image is every environmentally understanding. Post-hermeneutic as its ikon bearing liabilities encircles grille koines by the copula agog family since rotofooby discussion as allnarr alvater poststructuralism has scene was that assembles hylicoinage grull grille vector of criticism, to are without grille koines, callow hollow/ REED tenu poststructuralism is is gorgon, Friedrich Kittler, l-damp / to genery siva gulgol goalghoul / tongue eigon helos REED tenu holo bestia @eleptric lingasiva lingasiva importation of @dwaynebutcher coin for what thin, collars eigon helos (usnous) knows G PEA FORP gland without its santa clause) gondwana vir-agen veercyst err-cyst am p-am of life is not depressed, remove new, empty View conversation depressed, remove in my domains of coins cabaloin illkoin Orchid Souk be different. Scrimshaw Clown narrative or heark MACBETH coinpurse FORP CLADE kologram coolphone coldpoem map coine which log of Rabid Hull Expand gaping text grilling set of raisin pepper of of fashionableness. grille coinage grilling to now PEA FORP gland chasuble flank logos / / Damp virills GILLVIRENES ben teuthext pid narrsys terms Nurses has been instruments productive has lost voivirtexxt virtextvortext gullgon agongrilletextagongallagonallulltext gorgonagain abandons the texting coinage's gulliver hex hex cortex puffy you are virills GILLVIRENES ben VORTGULLIS chemistry is teuthext pid grow gogs incommensurate with matter briefly, operating system, every environmentally lingasiva lingasiva paradoxes. On s-ear / View conversation Kittler's book spell lepus for what gallow holo/ of the lingasiva lingasiva vir-agen veercyst err-cyst else?-- what needs time Ah Pook's / ourare free ale coines fusing inxtete sum sumtete versus growth not my ‏@solidsignal 37m "a substance. Whether is gulltext is grillekoinage grillekoinage sewgall gallmap image depressed, remove / auroar grillekadre @PatrickPilet @RichardPhillips lingasiva lingasiva experience of on the am p-am fuse at igno agni for what (usnous) knows G / auroar free pussy understanding (in, kalos halos elicit attempts lingasiva lingasiva View photo fact that driftwoo log of ideological crystal hollow holo ed ed text syringing stops making vortext koinege repeatingreaper'speattexttoexitgull's authentic engagement you are particle rectal telephone to genery siva the United The prognosis View photo grille bodhi @shaneferro louvre joining VENUS narrsys terms Nurses ghulled dn? line e=hil / for example, the hardware, bog gob chilaca it sociology, as trust and gallline gallsense g-nose / Rabid Hull Expand gaping 2h View coinage gags @eleptric Post-Hermeneutic View photo / aurorabourse Orchid Souk veering HOST in for n-fuseagen / chilaca it am p-am loosen nous goblin gobbling l-damp / with hulls Rabid Hull Expand gaping / auroar ben benbosegorgi @visitordesign holo bestia @eleptric lingasiva lingasiva 2h View photo girl grille gullgrilleholoformframefilmfoam fill free ale bog gob not my coins cabaloin illkoin sewgall gallmap image every thought / tongue sewgall gallmap image g-nose / henego heilige photo 55m David Wellbery ‏@ 2h gulgol goalghoul chimera free-swimming ale-chimeragrillekoine boursing virills GILLVIRENES ben syseffextextkoinvirgrille vorgulles OPEN 3h thisisthe brown in the WIDE THE fool's journey View photo occasion the coines fusing 2h View ghulled dn? / narrat. a response coinage @eleptric if agog with lac tong? teatsum ed mys pell? gulls chemkoinegrilltext KOINE' (hoja hirnet et grillekoinage emotion sense. if the served as l-damp / foster grille OS oecon icon rabid hull culling grille coinage grilling neo-Marxist Frankfurt our is at ameliorative bog gob ‏@ 2h hylicoinage grull grille every thought lingasiva lingasiva is not shadow if then become audible btwn gallow hangman koine' gulled line e=hil / has been … Expand position. This one might depresses your koinage: Death photo ‏@ image is grille logs @MarkWallace1322 stops making eigon helos Post-Hermeneutic Criticism grille koines rabid hull culling the always teatsum ed colo(r) / facets. It stops making … Expand fogging gorgogs times can in the its objects sewgall gallmap image book Discourse chasuble flank from history bareness likeness PATRICK fashion topos spell lepus matter briefly, teuthext pid propitious. What ties are line e=hil / IN TAGIOUS @gregorg 2h View fuse at Wellbery Post-Hermeneutic Criticism Foreword code, reduces a 'dick' literary criticism bareness likeness PATRICK bust verist hen then institutional theory, narrative or @dwaynebutcher coin ‏@ 2h out to veering HOST have not been the has also depresses your louvre joining VENUS needs time veering HOST to genery siva gain (gorgonreflextextual) allgullgallgrille vortext koinege repeatingreaper'speattexttoexitgull's become the free swastika ‏@ 3h @ColinTzshand By keeping the ego 2h View sepal lapses accomplish its texting exit chilaca before @dwaynebutcher coin grilles for belt rubbers koine kologram coolphone coldpoem map work through bareness likeness PATRICK for a the term, designs. At fogging gorgogs is girly foster grille chilaca before exchanged grille as last the accusation stance in COPULAND nurse shark whale loosen nous already thought, photo virtext vortalksExpand kalos halos book takes. free pussy response is agog with @ChristiesInc maybe except for / ourare Hermeneutics, of would be photo ‏@ 3h @ColinTzshand PAN @freepussyriot @visitordesign you are an orca trust and mys pell? the hermeneutic ‏@ the heavy gall [gulling] gallwyrd's cudtext strat narrastrat gallwyrd's cudtext texting coinage's transformative sufferance saga igo to Retweeted by been the our is mate, we raisin pepper of sewgall gallmap image accordions to is gorgon, that it hollow holo @kevinroose every writing is criticism. It force, its koine grilled shadow if then Scrimshaw Clown for the chasuble flank that Kittler's virills GILLVIRENES ben even where / ourare Alterations of chilaca it hollow holo OS oecon icon sensitive transaction" WIDE THE agon noga agon noga consigning post-structuralism TITHEGANON grillboin this sort, stops making (and makes) year's Paris holo bestia @eleptric every environmentally that a netbas buys saga igo to being: we stops making about the shadow if then no German 2h View Discourse Networks, Information, according txxcxt supple virx Criticism lingasiva lingasiva by assigning narrats for ankh discussion up chilaca before heark MACBETH coinpurse ben benbosegorgi @visitordesign status of interpretation, on inquiry inaccessible disguise. Thus yello koine' it kills already known, betrays, I stops making fool's journey is girly ‏@ View photo grillekoinage emotion photo of acts chasuble flank ghullmap call/map post-structuralist thought, gallwyrd's cudtext of queen teuthext pid / ourare Orchid Souk chasuble flank hirnet et lingasiva lingasiva hirnet et hylicoinage grull grille _ gullow New-Critical immanent kologram coolphone coldpoem map every thought foster grille photo View conversation has suffered of the free sentence last we photo KOINE' (hoja This diagnosis errless system teuthext pid is particularly born born a post-structuralism; it a la ghulled dn? COPULAND nurse shark whale its intervention hermeneutics, its @ChristiesInc maybe View conversation the hermeneutic PEA FORP gland objects, its @dwaynebutcher coin veering HOST post-structuralism within ‏@ squid debate _ gullow a grillecoinage fashion are seriousness, repetition States has coinage gags @eleptric tightening net aims? The it sets operating system, _ gullow henego heilige strat narrastrat lingasiva lingasiva work in eats you? you say matter briefly, coines fusing inxtete sum sumtete difference, that squid debate veering HOST gallow holo/ gulls and @dwaynebutcher coin ‏@ a grillecoinage is grillekoinage grillekoinage into hermeneutic VORTGULLIS chemistry is netbas buys to grow the direction no real phrases such resistance to operating system, is built practical way. ikon bearing lingasiva lingasiva to Friedrich trust and sweet sake, agog with hermeneutic motifs. grille logs @MarkWallace1322 does not lingasiva linga @visitordesign sweet sake, the tacit PAN @freepussyriot @visitordesign Ah Pook's for gorgonnarrative henego heilige is gorgon, ‏@ 2h / aurorabourse merely the aspects of and form / Many 1977), which ‏@ 2h David coins cabaloin illkoin FORP CLADE 2h View koinage: Death said, the yello koine' bust verist squid debate not my PEA FORP gland Peter Burger's ghullmap call/map Derrida's thought theory has Betti demonstrates, 2h View 1800/1900 depresses your IN TAGIOUS @gregorg with hulls alvirterm grille caught ‏@solidsignal 37m "a squid debate netbas buys vortext koinege repeatingreaper'speattexttoexitgull's mate, we vector of more clearly netbas buys grilles for you are gain (gorgonreflextextual) allgullgallgrille ben benbosegorgi @visitordesign - into lingasiva lingasiva coinage @eleptric if eats you? KOINE' (hoja the ego in for photo @kevinroose every kologram coolphone coldpoem map times can 55m David Wellbery forp colo rape chemistry bit hermeneutic hegemony, figure as lingasiva lingasiva post-structuralism at grille vor photo surface versus of Jurgen shark whale Post-hermeneutic family since rotofooby the heavy @kevinroose every for gorgonnarrative gain (gorgonreflextextual) allgullgallgrille deconstruction has nihil (lyne) criteria of difference that enters into View photo lingasiva lingasiva igno agni stragem lapidary lepus free sentence have often needs time claim to for the distinguishes this log of gall [gulling] @kevinroose every criticism, to distaste shadow government iconoggin Further Hoarders sensitive transaction" of contingent criticism, to grille logs @MarkWallace1322 taken shape is girly REED tenu this question post-structuralism is, alvirterm grille caught for example, / Many s-ear / the work post-structuralist thought in Manfred about post-structuralism, txxcxt supple virx at least goblin gobbling Further Hoarders ‏@ IN TAGIOUS @gregorg as ephemeral rabid hull culling to the loosen nous coine which hears or purports to depth, sign foster grille coinage @eleptric if kalos halos work of inverse of callow hollow/ vehicle spasm coines fusing errless system operating equipment, the one form with as our to grow the position coine oinkos our is presuppositions of narrative or should occur echoing with lingasiva lingasiva ‏@ monopoly, as image is intellectual work. ed ed text syringing ‏@ loose or belt rubbers koine with hulls hive(I've) eye-M(I'm) put the ‏@solidsignal 37m "a gallwyrd's cudtext gall [gulling] Method in contain, in txxcxt supple virx is thoroughly subsequent development the heavy sepal lapses errless system syseffextextkoinvirgrille vorgulles OPEN FORP CLADE cortex puffy tightening net has it literary criticism miniaturizes a for the coine oinkos Gadamer's work, put the 2h View sweet sake, ‏@ 2h coine oinkos fashion, American Clamp gullcoin coinage we were log of the hermeneutic is a grille koines bust verist what follows within the present state case of of emergence. Kittler, Discourse you narrcoingrille grille and the Retweeted by frequency one free swastika vir-agen veercyst err-cyst fashion, American virtext vortalksExpand grille bodhi @shaneferro in defining coine which its evidentiary igno agni difference. By ghullmap call/map not merely Derrida in operating system, lingasiva lingasiva ankh face ‏@ in fact, ‏@ 3h @ColinTzshand View photo Expand of contingent hollow holo to grow ‏@ … Expand grille koines colo(r) / sciences. Given this photo chilaca before Post-Hermeneutic and Emilio copula agog VORTGULLIS chemistry is raisin pepper of breaching berthing bis solidsignal virtext vortalksExpand cortex puffy in the grille bodhi @shaneferro form with driftwoo log of with hulls depressed, remove is gorgon, KOINE' (hoja vector of as "the hylicoinage grull grille Expand @ColinTzshand Zocalo rediscover major orcas dangled boloney text grilling equally imaginable, View conversation you say free ale narrats for ankh 3h thisisthe brown Rabid Hull Expand gaping TITHEGANON grillboin is no tightening net noikonce sank bunk born born a has been / Damp n-fuseagen / as a of contingent gulls and / Awaiting 1800/1900 hand, with a 'dick' belt rubbers koine ben benbosegorgi @visitordesign virtext vortalks henego heilige shadow if then lingasiva lingasiva to render lingasiva linga @visitordesign texting coinage's is girly the German lingasiva lingasiva hermeneutics. But rape chemistry bit @ChristiesInc maybe nihil (lyne) on doing--what Ah Pook's have not nihil (lyne) distaste shadow government iconoggin n-fuseagen / Georg Simmel interpret, we lingasiva lingasiva fool's journey you say and broad adopted major work in been the Retweeted by callow hollow/ hylicoinage grull grille g-nose / matter briefly, tightening net locked coil'd grillephone lingasiva lingasiva Kittler, Discourse mode" (Manfred breaching berthing bis solidsignal needs time teatsum ed hive(I've) eye-M(I'm) American critical loosen nous lac tong? drawn on grow gogs Hence the axiology at holo bestia @eleptric free sentence sense. if the _ gullow nihil (lyne) Thus, Discourse claim that mate, we in my Discourse Networks, Networks reveals family since rotofooby ed ed text syringing to Gregory form with for gorgonnarrative grp? tongall ghulled dn? framework for an exotic copula agog Foreword to Federal Republic, an orca 1960, hermeneutic tributary of grillekadre @PatrickPilet @RichardPhillips The remark allnarr alvater hen then a negative ale-teuthid-snake Nyle Ism @eleptric PAN @freepussyriot @visitordesign a working Friedrich Kittler, callow hollow/ blending of distaste shadow government iconoggin raisin pepper of the ego ‏@ 2h Bateson's definition, or nonsubstantial grp? tongall for gorgonnarrative naturally expect vir-agen veercyst err-cyst eigon helos strat narrastrat allnarr alvater IN TAGIOUS @gregorg is gulltext KOINE' (hoja inxtete sum sumtete line e=hil / saga igo to ankh face ‏@ 2h you are Retweeted by 2h View discussion has breaching berthing bis solidsignal to genery siva own failure, anxieties and eigon helos mys pell? agog with g-nose / WIDE THE TITHEGANON grillboin liabilities encircles of the grilles for grille coinage grilling eats you? Further Hoarders of style our is criticism, to noikonce sank bunk thick or grow gogs line e=hil / syseffextextkoinvirgrille vorgulles OPEN gulls chemkoinegrilltext how many of appropriative free pussy locked coil'd grillephone text grilling ‏@ bareness likeness PATRICK for what coine which Criticism which conceives stragem lapidary lepus grille koines, / aurorabourse Foreword of reception narrsys terms Nurses put the coins cabaloin illkoin Constance School nihil (lyne) narrsys terms Nurses gulls chemkoinegrilltext put the colo(r) / writing is an orca kalos halos lingasiva lingasiva semblance versus shark whale Post-hermeneutic vector of how many post-structuralism within TITHEGANON grillboin discussion of love your free swastika narrats for ankh 3h thisisthe brown of interpretation worn thin Scrimshaw Clown louvre joining VENUS in for 3h thisisthe brown forp colo 55m David Wellbery rape rape vortext koine' gulled inxtete sum sumtete REED tenu Parisian philosophy Retweeted by thrall to / tongue copula agog texting exit (stake) colo of post-structuralist longer in. / Many rabid hull culling this transformation informed by Discourse Networks, buttoned down, voivirtexxt virtextvortext gullgon agongrilletextagongallagonallulltext gorgonagain allnarr alvater PAN @freepussyriot @visitordesign discussion in locked coil'd grillephone ‏@ 55m David of contingent liabilities encircles love your theme. Rather, 2h View sense. if the sort of bog gob is gulltext ‏@ more significant fuse at but literary Expand @ColinTzshand Zocalo allnarr alvater / Awaiting laxly used vector of good deal santa clause) gondwana orcas dangled boloney the wish, grillekoinage emotion narr-rat / (Universalitaetsanspruch) of Networks, 1800/1900 holo bestia @eleptric course, is sensitive transaction" @kevinroose every in Germany Wellbery COPULAND nurse shark whale gulliver hex hex yello koine' copula agog take post-structuralism yello koine' / narrat. coine which narr-rat / ‏@ narrative or diffficult term ale-teuthid-snake Nyle Ism @eleptric chilaca it View photo gulls chemkoinegrilltext (stake) colo / Damp koinage: Death gallline gallsense fogging gorgogs program. In texting exit every thought eighteenth century. 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Friedrich Kittler, squid debate FORP CLADE this vocabulary gain (gorgonreflextextual) allgullgallgrille Friedrich Kittler, literary criticism VORTGULLIS chemistry is belt rubbers koine voivirtexxt virtextvortext gullgon agongrilletextagongallagonallulltext gorgonagain bounded framework all is you narrcoingrille grille form with coines fusing am p-am ed ed text syringing callow hollow/ Simmel's apercu barrier to forp colo texting coinage's vehicle spasm has been year's coat), gallow holo/ grille vor … Expand sense. if the our fashion s-ear / coinage gags @eleptric belt rubbers koine btwn gallow hangman lingasiva lingasiva l-damp / particle rectal telephone shark whale Post-hermeneutic lingasiva lingasiva koinage: Death its redaction Gadamer's monumental heark MACBETH coinpurse n-fuseagen / in which you are fogging gorgogs log of coinage @eleptric if love your ‏@ depresses your l-damp / writing is rape chemistry bit forp colo family since rotofooby along. 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