Sunday, February 3, 2013

drama mean melamine, and heavy brass side burns

whichever party reduces it, or its rage,
flan popeet discover illudo on adol sekent pages.

thren bostover, we pelt, then murmur the garage pipe's
exhausted miravelle, pile laundry where it gets viewed
only enough by us.

then I paint, or write it the paint, the paint being written
is writ, by the rights now invested, the wridden rit,
or whatever letters can sense the worthless blurring cavern
its precious all treasure, nobody I know anyway.

counting clete for awhile, then counting it some more,
then doing nothing. not much need to do anything now,
but wait.

they don't (parasume)

wainscoting mirror carousel
beep savoy austrian box frame metaphysics
glee wifi
with alt oh devils
in rectum's recluse the romantic dwelling
if fjord take a masterful chandelier bridge
the priceless old black bag and yellow straplet

a simple spiraling hall
and one which the red carpet cannot convey

and with lens doors for its vestal hobbits


the queem is ped...

black supermodel Pinocchio high heel angel
reverse magnetic thrusters

upstairs downtown
abbey normal

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