_|latorisdead,socialityandreflexive(yokeholeenerg yars.UTUBU
_,d."[PoliticalScannedAll .Scannedoran g epo.='i,_ysystem o,m
,'"IsThePharm.gettheH-Llisten.(dee ply)Eth_.,P"en,'Yder,bu t|| |
,'okebodyastocometogether.]poise.readiness.s| .'a //'ce"Il lCo,' |
/ ndow.through.UseGoa ls.Goalsiden titytopro ''b/-]/ni cassoc ,/ |
,/ants.T__...___stheticsmusttruste ssentiallyaTra|:,'sl ati_,' |'
,'meTheoY' ,'.Butisth,--'''/eceived;venn ed"labor i ng"r / _.''n
_,'/Fr_.-' ,,'.Boa-t(i,' _,'hush)/Odd ityweth-'`|seems,'' ,'Ahh
[:,...-' ,.-''b'''smakey/'_,' ,-b'ntsonofale rtness./ ,-'it_/' Yindo .w
ustr'-.o'toBeofPiec.-'' ''_/-:Interna_,.__i tallwayo'_/'eop_o' ,-'all_/'ia
efreep ears.pears.' _-'.tongue_,-'' /snotsough' |t._h/ ,-'ugur,'''s,-
esi gnations.Prot-----'ols.Ian<[:____,,'rooves.F' i`--' _,'btle _< co,'
dandsomuc h.LightCreatesEnergy.Knowth equickes,' ,Y'reget ,'s \_-' _/
.IfeelorGr eaterVehicle?V-His sile.Ahh/' ,'uesh_,.-' _...-'Bo
ronomia"InGe (AsMournH ermes !Thistofe \___,,.-'il_o'' ,:make_o-
pebbleislikeaofBein ghandofis,chi,soTon gueengulft?,' g/nera,'
humanis__ hilosophyinu se?collect,.. gro,.Y' ,'esaf,' st
esserVeh icle?,' [ ec. ies. Abstracted _.- |-' ,-:Art,-' sin
w_,d.P_arthewa`b '`- `.|`.8ebblean ,./l o,/ h'sit ,' so ri
[ `o_y _.u``-..__.+ \._d----'i. C_,/ ,.'ow_..] ng .Bo a
`. `-' `o___i_otP``--'\_______.._+ s,'ut ,' .-''| als owa
Fes\ ' s`..changedthesubjec`. t.Y'ma ,;---' |in emo
anad`. _`'nisa bec______epeb``--''uck ,,' ,-' !Just
w.Winnd-._g ,'''''.,.b.._ed==.._ \dformso..o.-' |y. T,'''''
Etheinside`''''bfj___' ,'strece \' \ved,' \ ome_/
toshallrea[:::::'' ,,-'deadru,''' ,:St | ---'
el.He.(Pronounth''`'F'bmtri be ,' ,,- net./
b--.._acharacterAmo rne_Y' ,'mes .Au/
,.___`-..cs.think ofspe,--' ,/ atic id'
\ '-.r`._Rime.Ar_.-' _,-'ngements?/
M|l--\ '-----' _Y''odMilk___ he|
i ,-' `--e`''''---..._,'hereduc,-' ]ono `.
ig,' `.i_____lit.thinkth_,' .-'hist `.
_' ' `.losedh,,d _,'poiesis)a `.
\i `''--' ,'switheachwoul \
e\ ___ ,'dthethePurethat.Sy`.
`' ,' '''inamenttrust.Sympaest `.
..._ / nves_,-`'`.ive.sensitivitytothe-b
mwet-.____ _,...--'nage_/s `..every"Hechangedthe `-.
-------d..==.._o__the_Y :8[''''-------...__thU|
._ ,----Y--/''""""""""]`..wordhasitsi _.-...._,..,is_,__.P/"::-.____rbulen
-| |e.| 'sein`.___o_.DODGE ,__....'--Y''/'RY\_/nnya Y-''''\''|
|r | e.,'ermes.Op por`''''': ` . \ ` orgettheSlip-Strea'V
/m \ e o'subtlecommunication.ab `'e'-.__ ''\_ronounced[ùbúntú],isT
|thyt`-.-b feedaflawedsystem,Oddity?/--._us`\ -'tdos._llreapreflexiv
,'thereab stractedpronoun.Abstraction\ ``-.`..-^-. ,' lizes,areflawe
|ce]NoticeUtissympa estheticsmusttrust`. i'-_ena Y---ssys_empolitic
/nnectedgoa ls.Goal-OrientedofthewithPos `. _|-Str:>_ tur`/->.._sm.
_/esEn ergy .Knowtheaugur'soppo site."InOdd | /ty / '.'-.._':___ Yp.
,'nd, ofanythinglikeisessentiallyatheField.thi\ /tocom/ '. moc'ed:f8'Pu
|ile d Axe .Sugere .X.Chi.Chi-rowing.Boat.Skirt | .'heW ` \ ay.H_arthof
|Translati onalschema.HereGeometry.HearthofBein | \ gAfri`-. `..-' `- can
|rSur ftheu p.Veneer.roughsandgrooves.FindSelf| `.. Less `-.._ `. e
`.heotoko stoGere capit ulation.Of/hueshisneBoa`. `-..istoso `-._ ._
/. _Fullo fResistance conceptoftothedarkline(deeply)| | Ethermove`..--.
|e'Kung-Fu.Snat chthec ertainprotocolbasedformsadeada`. |ertness.waittoLan
o|Illcollective gr oupfa ces.Hmm.NoofSouthernit!Ahh.BeMo`--. \_nHermes!pointso
|LevelPlayingthin kofspe rmaticHermes.Andso, thehand,befo | `.._ reMagnet
| andframe.Pe bble canned A ll.Scannedsoundsl ikeWinnow.Wi `. `-..... .-'
`-bstphilosophy tu ba.Ubu tu?OrUbuntu.Ubuntu,[IwantSelf.Ar| '
\eyhavecult!Got -M ilk?GodThi smakesmeofthetheboundariesofS`.
`-dsystem,aline .p roblems,is awind,andtheycometogether.][I|
`--:| ou rSo. Sew .SineWa._e .Se wthecareofthemaze/labyr/ ,.....
`'".pleVen ee r.Ven| +E ar.IstheofLangueActuation| | Hut.e
|st oforwh a ts| |oe _.--..t mustbemuchKairon| \_miaa
`.iacult!ra n d| `.o`. `p-.orticle[tether| `'|
\dwithPost- _' `..'\ /'`\ \_alism.prono_| |un
/`l. |.ecapitu la| \./ \.on:. |ftuba.Ubu/| .Y-'u?
,----'ath[ `pt ,-b.u \b_ |r y:FY'IS T..TheD `. |penV_
/eswift.R| ,'''tanL `-ce )i`| ,|hi nki ng?Aha!GO'T `. `'''
/sb ell ?Hi`\ /thepebb \_ "\] l\_,-..o' Dr awastrongtired `.
/the_,'| reaL-eflaw._dt | '``-.i sto kno wingly.Assuredl \ ,
|it.' |e."I// ns \.\he| m _\.He re we oftheMagnetolingu---------'|"
'.t ` /on.,'|Th i | |t|. ,-' ator". .L oss?Los.movie-ing.PrimitiveDyn|
'-__||o L.| nsc ,' | ha`. r,' ct erizat io nr educesecosystemic .-| .'
|ernAfrica._b ,' `. un`,'i sse ensubje ct."Lo okatsecondtosilenc`.\ |e
`.____,,''' ' \ asTrick st er. Sca nd al .Scert,.nprotoco,/ ||
`. ,andbe co mes ofa ny th_..--''e\erresco|c '|
\ re.makesmeG roove.Comf |or t.|esist,' `.
`. -Fu .Sna tch/o ut\. '--''' d
\ amen. Tro p.(Chi n`.
`---'`. @( z)S urfthe |
v et
.tulangu age sofSouthernAfrica.Ub,../==..-d-:: `.uisseenasat..
| ditio nalAfricanconcept.W'. : ''' `. | atthis,--' |
|stemde claresisarelationalprovi`=].. `-[|nalit|_,... |
|.Thisise ssentiallyaTranslationalsch`.`-. [-._,/ /\
| eSerres conceptofHermes.Andso,theessen|ia\ ---' ,' |
| ality andreflexivenatureoftext_,--o.-:esc | .' |
| ape d.Andyet.TheTranslatorisde/d,be|a,'eth | | /
\ b leisnotsought.Ah.Thepebb,' ,'sawin \ ,' /
\. Window_o_ndslikeWin no|. /innowing \. / /
`. ople b +' `bytheiractio'._,/encetheinsi \ ,--. / |
`. der/ | 'outsiderdesig,/tions.Protoco | 'ls.I|,' |
. th | |nkthisisone/fmyproblems,isal\ '.cko/,| |
`._ _Y |ensitivity|ocertainprotocolba`. ../'' |
`' |formsofsub|lecommunication.Thi \ |smakes \.
\kofspermat|crecapitulation.Ofthe`. `.wayon |
,/ esthare ge|stofertilize.Kaironomi|_ \again |
|[le.GameTh ,'|\ory.Butthisseemslikeafl`.'wedsyst\
`.flawedag| | e\tsineverystrata.LangueasTrickste|
u|alsoScan| `ned|ll.ScannedAll.Facetime.Scanning|
/dupalones| \mu|h.Ineverthinkofanythinglikethis|
|hmoreflui\ d|n/organic.Ithinkthisisadeadrun.St|
|adRune.Fai | l|/Wave.HowdowetrustinOddity?Justdo|
,'oveknowing \.,Y'.Assuredly.Takeandmove."Tary"Don'|
| vie-ing.Pr _-' imiti veDynamism.SurftheScurfsa,-'
,.._ | hsandgroove/ .Findt heSlip-Streamthrough.Use/
|ak | `'''-.epoint`._ onalin e.Drawastrongdarklinem,'
\sof| `onnecte `.dgoal s.Goal-OrientedThink /
\.-[| ,--sacult! G|t-Mi lk?GodMilk?TheMeaning|
|| .'-. |onstants.T ,'e"Ill Constants"wouldbetheb|
\| |ari\ \softhema_' e/laby rinthlabyrinth_.nned"l|
\'ing"`.,'ng abel| ?Hiveg rooming.Crim,' \_ime/
| Arrangeme nts?Y`.es.Weh avemadearran| "--
Y ments.Ohhman.Wha \vicissitudesinthatd._
| feeltired.[Iwant _/thistocometogether.][`-.
| stocometogether,P"..poise.readiness.stance|
| tness.waittost\_'e .\seintuition .DODGEPA |
| nyaaw!fuckit!Just\ a|epoetry!the,-.-Lou ,'
| d,befor__an.Wha | /asSelf.Less,' `---'
\____d,':Ga`'-o_on ||rIgoals.Goal|
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Irrony Observes The Earthing.