Friday, August 17, 2012

Agnes Schreiben (Free Updates)

Agnes is on fire. [अग्नि]

Her ignition was caused, possibly,
by her own ignorance, or barring that,
a slight design or manufacturing flaw
in the instrument which now lay
near to her tortured writhing form.

In Agnes' will, there is intended a scorn,
or reproach, for some of those people
in Agnes' life, who Agnes did not feel
treated her as she should have been treated.
And so they will know.

Agnes burns still, and the fuel for her burning
is her clothing, which she cannot now remove,
as its elaboration is great.

In its great elaboration, the clothing Agnes is wearing,
combined with her own ignorance, or barring that,
a slight, yet dangerous design or manufacturing flaw,
allows the fire to feast at will on her form now fallen.

Agnes has fallen. In her will there is intended a scorn,
or reproach, for some of those people in Agnes' life,
who Agnes' felt "were not right". And so they will know.

But they will not burn. Not unless they use an identical
piece of equipment, in that specifically incorrect way
in which Agnes' used the equipment, or unless they are
as specifically ignorant as Agnes was, about the operation,
in general of the equipment. If then they do, not only
will they burn as Agnes' did, but they will burn
as the proximal object of Agnes' scorn.

Agnes' last words were primal. Recorded by no one,
except her own incrementally heating brain, the word(s)
were exceptionally, and remarkably expressive of the event
which caused the word(s) to be uttered. In short, her final,
and primal word(s), though, while being something
of a cliche' due to a certain well known painting, were
in fact, well-written, if indeed the possibility of writing
them were possible, which patently it was not.

The painting's title is Der Schrei der Natur.
And so they will know. [AGNC]

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