Monday, August 27, 2012

Frobenius Game App Scrick-Shoe

a bleak oboe
played by daniel boone
aboard the de havilland dh.100 vampire
looms in the ear
of the screaming pilot

down down
into the lemonade sea
where monty python
and grandma moses
are waiting for thee

goes the cat burglar
lifting your crystal spaghettis
and riding all the rainbows
are tiny golden yetis
shooting candy canes
from their blow hole eye sockets

hyphen hyphen
hyle fen

go daniel
into the cat burglar's den
to drink his brandy
and orzo

go daniel
down on grandma moses
to wet your tongue brush
in turpentine
and paint the picture
bleak oboe
of the holy tossed

pilots made of lettuce
and dh laurence
lost in crystal sphagetti yetis

shooting candy canes
from their blow hole eye socket oboes


boon what din
wet wet daniel eye
and oboe bleak
as orzo elliptic

imagine the entire web barbarian
to the cuckoo

leo wole soyinka
atlantis moved to silent melancholy

grandma hyphen grandma
your burning brushes
in coonskin caps

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.