Monday, October 15, 2012

Fuchsius Speaks of Them

rinkal bodice slu
em kum vurlu abbot's mosquito pellet lung bot
tod wot camera the dew the dew is camera
bodice abbot pellet dew
lend live lemurs their frog foam guitar legs
for ababylon feasts ten foam hurricanes together
in a clue toward hairy luminous doughnuts
or faces under fish net stockings comma NOMMO
this dolphin was crucified in africa
under a mosquito net cordon General Curtis May
my friend Bernard the black architect told me
he took me down through the history of the AK47
the early sheet metal repeating rifles towards germany
not but ABBOT said bernard and slipped me
into the deep past where wooden roads
lept across the land and cromagnon ABBOT used
Mosquito Quito Peruvian foam guitar legs Santa-ween

halo em kum vorlo
vortext of waiting ziggurath
with c and witch head stomach helmets
mirrored crystal hell labyrinth
gemstone minotar idols spewing reflections
in the inner faceted mosquito ABOOT SUNTA
ABUNTHA cromag steel harness hairy neck
NOMMO erotic dolphin priest speak through neurtrinoi
tendrils Fishnet stalkings earth shatter bladder
General Curtis Lemay in Lame' glitterlings
Saint Bernard a black man calling out the fish children
from the ABBEY to view the hallucinating gargoyle icons
writhing on the brainplate of the mosquito mothership cauldrone
cromagnon dew abbot Bernard Witchcraft Peru in AK47 pew
africa crucified on a humanoid witch fish camera
the architectonics sold me foaming cum mobiles
Bernard Nommo Abbot Mosquito Quito sayeth:
Endings often provoke mourning, but the pavonine vermillion pavillion's
exhausted exhaustion is an occasion for occam's razor to recognize
the need for inventing a new model of foaming action debate centrioles
"towards imperative catalysis in hysteric anticipation of the end of fossil-fuel
perfect operativity said Nommo Abbot Santa ZIG ZIG UR RATH
i hold up a picture of the crystal hell labyrinth playing an accordion gargoyle fish
"Picarsehole" said Jake Dino Bernard Gargoyle Laxative Luxology
Bernard Bador - just a song facing the red tide
sweeper of pupils, miniatures of chaotic genesis
But what can music and lyrics do? Monty Python says that Jokes
can Abbot Cats cum vorto in Shaggy steaming tea moths
Tea Moths erecting ABBOT AK Barnard 47 pullulating
flexing gears of raga secret entablature vomit astrophagous
Curtis Mayfield: Guess who I found there in the Mosquito cavern
with Bernard of Badoor Gurgull drinking cider brandy? [he asked Prarond]
tit twast the author of Les Fleurs du Mall, Baudelaire himself like a fish
out of water in lower Normandy, though he was already becoming a crystalline
cave fish minotaur negress camera, a occasion for ZI ZAG UR WRITH
honfleur: "it's perched above the sea, and the garden itself is like a little stage set"
Everything there is cystalline minotaur Nommo cum mobiles of vermillion mosquito python

I answered Mr. Calkoen's questions in writing: ABBOT BOT AB ABAB BABY LO AN
ching ming heidigger ascertaining the language in Amsterdamnation to arrive be metempsychosis
fomaing VURLO witch foam curlew Dino bernard Curtis May Gneneral welfare soda state
harangutang dynasty Mr Quackenbots disaster to my blood whom I created from an exploded star bot castle lyric That me there in the awning flaps Paul Bowles electric chimay wig :Lord Jim the green street boy a specialized cripple" show you" handcuffed me these words were prerecorded on bare honestie
across the wounded galaxies on foam repair kit frog legs orgy drone grotesque web abolition world codemaniacs emotional replicant genomics Bernard Saint Mosquito ZUGGOTH ZIZGUR
acid humanix infection nerve cells machinery William Wilberforce Juvenal Colville Bernard Santa Architect Bradley Martin Amis Hardinage Britten who wrote the booke called "Ghost Lands" said


Olcott and Keely in Mosquito Ziggurat fishnet stockings
the Banner of Light no mahatmas were dashed against the crystalline minotaur idol
in the wiritng of this texticle
Williams, herne Monck, Eglinton

Masonic hall
March 4 1877
Nommo erotic Quackenbots lead Curtis Bernard
down into the Viy threading crystalline mosquito head bull
after lectures in Boston with "good old harvard boys"
conjoined to the theosophical army woman dry drone glitch ABBOT
as Bulwer-Lytton and Disraeli once had been focused on
" a huge crystal placed in the center of the library table"
The crystal was the mahatma brain centipedetaurosyne
gnostic goldfish pedals to collect all bicycle people's ABBOT ZIIGGUUROOTH

the secret doctrine dashed against the rocks
leads to the recognition that the worst is a play
the negation of power BERNARD AK of suffering and death
cowardice before such a perspecive of goldfish
le jour tombe the rebel against the play
Artaud Bataille Bernard Zuggoth
here the man who wants mastery is already the windbag
free power associates windbag minotair INFINITE HAPPINESS
is dead windbags and ZIIGUROTH STAIRDUCTS
Phillipe Sollers hollers
The universe has nothing to do! Bernard Censors this social subject
disraeil quackenbots he cant remember Julia Kristeva eating the body of Freud
in the Minotaur sex hell robot snapshot fishnet stockings Curtis May
AIR FORCE AK 97 Artaud's trial
under heavy mosquito stone gargoyles
bone crushing ABBOT camera ZUGGOTH not the fragile site of metalanguage
but the metafragility of languile / pre-socratic greece / meta-centipded
language without supplement the utopia of poetry
the supplement without poetry (language) the uoptia of VORLO CUM UNISON
Lacan daddy wasp Bernard ABBOT Zigguroth Eddie Van halen Astral Sanskrit Nommo donkey Eros

watered silk
disputation (Bernard Architect Sponge Cake Abbot)
polychromatic dolphin sex language

Sade enters Proust
by way of tahini shrimp bot gargoyles
"interpretation" victim coexist
with libertine Lacan cigar of snapshots Girlgoal
Shaanxi province Tang Dynasty
he rides the flaming parrot cow
video chest tattoo
knee horns shooting mosquito ABBOT fishnets
Hassan get out of the car. "To have a self
is to have enemies.." Gargoyle Parrot Egg Robot French Lanugae

lucida tela diei to scotomize "What animal is he?" She-GARGU-BABU-BAERNARR dew
virginia woolf is a tribe of fishnet monkeys
noisetext a superior society, Hofmannsthal, Lord Chandos, Chandu
rat-squid mother superior ABBBOT BERNARDU unnatural participation

writing is becoming writing traversed by becoming meta-chandu-centriole GURGOA BABA

KARL PHILIPP MORITZ fishnet shrimp paste BABYLON
a universal hissotree of N-fam(il)y

anyone who likes writing is a fool.
and many of those cannot endure the sight of a green wound.

joez got a job at a witchcraft  shop

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