Saturday, October 10, 2015

Cosmic Nihilist Pantoum

by Zhun Meng Prahu Lovely Cartel Quarles

these strange and lovely weeds are trees of paradise
following tracks of salt like explorers
am I a weed am I lovely indeed
reading old headhunter books in the shade of a misshapen orchard

am I a weed am I lovely indeed
these strange old sensationalist pictures following heads
like weeds like weeds or those who grow where unwanted
so strange that the universe both adores and scourges us

like weeds like weeds or those who grow where unwanted
reading old paradises candi sukuh, rasselas, and zadig
all the strange and lovely words are the weeds of paradise
am I weed am I lovely indeed

in the shade of a misshapen orchard they hunt my head
following my tracks my tears my sweat
these strange old mystic monsters grown for gods know what
so odd that the universe both adores and scourges us

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