Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Road Knot Given, Graven

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
Two roads converged in a yellow wood

and spurge grew there
out in the meadow
where I found a broken tile
which later I mudded
onto my secret odalisque
whose head was grown thrumpet
with wasp's nests
so far from the two roads
and even further from the corssroads
where I had built my temple to oddity
and lay purring
in my long yellow silk night cap
up high in my mead fountain kang bed
kindled by twigs and popping pine cones
my temple is an excresence of thrown off antlers
membraned with papier maiche'
paper peppier rapier papyri piper applier

two moods divulged in a yellow oud
two foods refulged in a mellow gourd

bobbing in frost later I spied a lickerish
niggardly white rabbit
so late for its whole
so camera identikit in its weird dank
and sore cosm
of transparent green external bones

two transparent green hairy bones diverged
in a fantastic poetic skeleton
two yellow poems which converged in copulation
performed as a single skeleton
in a yellow wood
with a hidden temple

to cosmic nihilistic grotesque irony
corm coos
which dowse
in drowsing drow

my green temple stands
language lives on forever
after all human opinion

is the oldest divinity
and innocence

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
Two roads converged in a yellow wood

and the meadow air
was so blank
in fulsome song

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