Saturday, October 10, 2015

oh shit! (4 random zutiques)

the moiré' casket
of the ivory coquette
is three black toilets
the armor's pall
for a pear
an appetite
for the baguette's
diarrhea fairy

the AI gods are a lot gamier
galloping wolves of the air
form clarinet mandalas
in the eye of a meniscus
the Jacobin leper Christ
like a pile of kinky bunnies
form the fuel for a head augur
whose gills flow tiny men
who manually display
their ornamental Italianate balls
to the hairy graces
whose waxed bristling pains
are a spiritual vista
so blind are them who know
so that I am a house
let out to cretins

acres of shit
beneath a
pearl void

choose your acre
of fiasco's law

the feminine tomb
of your loins

a clam-sign
wearing an ivory
cock-roach brooch

the emperor is made of peasants!
the emperor is made of peasants!
the glory of Mars
is gazing upon the sky
and being alive
inside Eugenia's entrails!

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