I do not agree with any criticism of any poetry.
Ide noo dot toggle ray's width surety's tic
in my spinal movement's poor E-tree.
Idle noose, mind whose several usages
are known quite well:
"I stand above all of you
as the purest viritoyoso of whizzdomb
this biosingularity has ever seen."
Diogenes? A rock compared to me.
The combined poets, and philosophers
of the ages? Hollow gourds. The great
scientists, industrialists, and military leaders?
Odd alien tools for an infinite surface,
infinitely smooth, and infinitely post-
or-pre-valued by what matters my host.
I am the only human being
who has discerned the meaning
of reality in over a hundred million
In your idiot's way, you will know the poem,
but you will never know with what grace that
John Merrick was able to replace Apollo
that odd day in December on Mount Olympus:
Zeus had appeared in the tribune or cabinet
of Horace Walpole, 4th Earl of Orford, to find
young John washing carbonized rabbit skulls
in a large crystalline basin mounted on a hovering
platform powered by butterflies whose wingtips
would just brush past the delicated strings
of miniature crystal virolins abscribed into the
suraface of the basin.
"My Good fellow!" cried Zeus. "You must come to Olympus
to replace this awful Jackasss of a god, Apollo!"
"But I must stay here in Strawberry hill, Middlesex, to
give my survices to good Sir Horace who will preserve me!"
said John. "Look here good boy, I am Zeus, and you shall
know my inivitation is LAW.." said Zeus, whereupon Zeus
gave John a 10 second experience of himself without malady.
John trembles.
Zeus Chuckles.
A small owl-headed "completely feathered" snake suddenly
came forth from Zeus eyesocket and spoke to John secretly
whilst Zeus was viewing the Viritoyoso's tribunificence..
Let him make you into one of his new "transformer series"..
You could shod bick clod mi bough. Like Thomas Shadwell.
Suddenly Zeus began to cry out loudly:
I am Saint Nicholas Gimcrack!
I am Saint Nicholas, Give me Crack!
John Evelyn's cork breasts
were not amused.
But an all deforming, performing, informing, unforming, conforming, preforming light
invaded everything, insuring that I
understood ALL.
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Irrony Observes The Earthing.