Monday, December 22, 2008

A Dew Knot's Pavonine Elite

Oh no. I save everything, and damn
what it means! It means something
to ME. Everyday the world is my

and everyday I am Odilon Redon in the park

sketching clouds

clod of a head
friable as goat cheese
in a sharkskin shed

hovering like a hummingbird
in a penny-whistle candy-
brain labyrinth smokling
wyrdoobsynensis in a
candycane hotrod shaped
like a turkish slipper

wheels of licorice bustieres
nobby nipple tires my oohs
and Ozzy Osbornmandianisms

i -put parameciums and
perfume together and get

engines of symphonic bliss

high speed rotary
paddle string strummers
hidden under lapis folds
in crooked resonating
chambres not deleted,
not by a crystalline hair

and thank you!

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