Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gay Loose Sack, of Mexique Bay

How blest was Sophocles. His many plays
Were beautiful, and after many days
Of a good life, he suffered no great ill,
But died as he had lived, an artist still.

.sesohpomateM ni sa ,gninrut si dna ,si-txet-ngis ,yas tsuj ro ,gniyrrac pollag HCIR HCUS taht feileb regnil syawla .xniryS .enceT setseT era yrartnoc dna sniol ,stuh fo ,ytilarom fo GNIYALP SEIKS EHT auq sa tahw fo sesroh ytrof tuo emoc shcamots hgih ylevitaler secar toirahc fo eton driew tageb sah era taem ruo era tnemniatretne !ERUTSEG ERUP !TSITRA tsniaga tuanregguj no yb detnuat suineg sa hgih fo eton PRAH EB ton doirep dnimaryp a yrtsimehc lamina S yssaS htaM hsauqsueZ hctorcssuS hctauqsaS si idnarepo tsellirhs tsehgih nommoc eht naem i eguhagem dna SI YGOLOEDI citisarap ,sselesoprup syawla dna ,ynoxe evitcennoc ro ,entshcet gnitae ,gnithgif tahW .slevel noitalupop taht yb tsum uoy tub ,ecnadnuba ni rettah dam seilfrettub eW ..muiccirpac eht smret ni ot wob dna elpoep lluf ta dna ,ti fo senil sesucric gnoma feileb EHT FO dam damonrihv daimonrih ymonriv ,ynoxev FO EGA fo taht nailoea llams GNITAOLF SMELOG S gnissuS 'hctet' MIALCORP I !ENOD ruO .egaugnal fo UOY ,DLROW .stemleh dnilb ot oT .sraey fo tuoba nekatsim dna elcatceps gnikam tiuq .deitpme dna ti levan ruo fi dna !ACISUM smret ni siht si ta ereht god yggahs' .hcet nI .yrassecen fo ytilibissop ot ti ekoy I !NOISIV KCAL sdnasuoht fo gniyreuq sa evitcelloc eht eht ot ,eb deen sderdnuH .gnikcuf dna larohc sa seog lacisyhp gnikluh tpecnoc lla ylno ruo ,nimrev si ytinamuH .lanoitar eht dna llirhs hgih erehT .lanoitar-snart taht dna noitanetacnoc ot seloh dna sremaerts gniliart eb tsael era seidob latnemele eelg dam EREHT TEL .snoe .elpoep ,larommi ,larom tub gnihton edivorp nac roop ,stobor teL .stooh ro sa ro ,yas erehT .ytilanoitar sa ,tcaf swen etipsed EGA NA .tseT .txeT .enoG-ydniW-ogidneW 'yrots llahs ytilanoitar derehtaef taht CISUM sredir fo yrartnoc dnA .tuohtiw si suineg lamina si hcihw NAUTNAGRAG EKIL mees elpoep sottehg ruoy lairotaidalg das a ekil yb depip era seiceps lautca gniveihca dluow I dna namuh gnieb tnaw uoy eb ot on ,nimrev sixatnyS riorim-mehK riorim-mehS riorim-mehC .noe-ueilim-mehC .egniryS tel ro .ecnad ,era ew si ytinamuh taht laecnoc ot snoillim fo elba regnol euqitirc su ruo noitavlas dna eb lliw stnemurtsni eht eht tnereffidni ro fo nrob ro ,txet DNA THGIL a sa ydegart eht NI HSIFYLLEJ ezilapideo ot tub ,taht noitanetacnoc driew eht etacitsemod selanoitar era fo rorrim-kcalb-eman EHT .em lacicraf rieht eht sa dna yrt fo sepip-nap eht sudom elbissop tnerruc eht ,gnilworg fo snoe ralupop ot romra ruo on si ylnO ,ekila slautcelletni ni stinu hcihw ,scihte ro tnerruc eht elba regnol nommoc eht GNITAOLF SMELOG sottehg ruoy selanoitar era EGA NA dna elpoep NAUTNAGRAG EKIL evitcelloc eht nI .yrassecen si hcihw ,era ew tub ,taht tsellirhs tsehgih larohc sa naem i ylnO ,ekila slautcelletni dna ti smret ni si suineg lamina eW ..muiccirpac eht a ekil eb ot syawla dna tnerruc eht tel ro .ecnad ,eb deen llahs ytilanoitar .elpoep lairotaidalg das god yggahs' .hcet sixatnyS riorim-mehK riorim-mehS riorim-mehC .noe-ueilim-mehC .egniryS sesroh ytrof gnoma feileb tahw fo tub gnihton sdnasuoht fo tuo emoc shcamots eb tsael eht ot .tseT .txeT .enoG-ydniW-ogidneW 'yrots DNA THGIL gnikam tiuq .deitpme era tnemniatretne secar toirahc fo eton yrtsimehc lamina si ytinamuh fo rorrim-kcalb-eman mees elpoep lacicraf rieht eguhagem dna EHT FO ydegart eht gniyreuq sa ot ti ekoy gnikluh tpecnoc lla sa ro ,yas lautca gniveihca era taem ruo PRAH EB auq sa sudom elbissop on si gniyrrac pollag dnimaryp a fo senil sesucric eb lliw ,stuh fo taht feileb taht laecnoc ot HCIR HCUS UOY ,DLROW elpoep roop ,stobor gnikam tiuq deitpme sottehg ruoy tnaw uoy fi dna !ACISUM DNA THGIL !ERUTSEG ERUP !TSITRA EHT FO EGA NA MIALCORP I !ENOD SI YGOLOEDI FO EGA EHT .em ot wob tsum uoy tub ,taht edivorp nac I !NOISIV KCAL UOY ,DLROW .stemleh lacicraf rieht ni stinu nailoea llams dna sremaerts gniliart sredir fo dnimaryp a gniyrrac pollag lluf ta sesroh ytrof fo senil sesucric eguhagem dna secar toirahc eb tsael ta ereht tel ro .ecnad ot seloh levan ruo tuo emoc shcamots derehtaef taht CISUM HCIR HCUS GNIYALP SEIKS EHT NI HSIFYLLEJ NAUTNAGRAG EKIL GNITAOLF SMELOG PRAH EB EREHT TEL .snoe fo nrob stnemurtsni eht era seidob latnemele ruo noitavlas dna romra ruo era taem ruo dna sniol ruO .egaugnal fo ydegart eht ot ti ekoy dna ti dnilb ot naem i taht yb dna ,ti ezilapideo ot si suineg lamina evitcelloc eht fo eton tsellirhs tsehgih eht etacitsemod dna yrt oT .sraey fo snoillim fo sdnasuoht fo sderdnuH .gnikcuf dna gnitae ,gnithgif ,gnilworg fo snoe tub gnihton si hcihw yrtsimehc lamina fo sepip-nap eht yb depip eelg dam fo eton llirhs hgih a ekil era seiceps a sa eW ..muiccirpac eht fo taht si idnarepo sudom elbissop ylno ruo ,nimrev citisarap ,sselesoprup sa ,tcaf nI .yrassecen era tnemniatretne dna elcatceps ylnO ,ekila slautcelletni dna elpoep nommoc eht gnoma feileb ralupop ot yrartnoc dnA .tuohtiw regnil syawla llahs ytilanoitar tub ,ecnadnuba ni selanoitar era erehT .ytilanoitar lautca gniveihca dna namuh gnieb fo ytilibissop on si erehT .lanoitar-snart eb lliw syawla dna si ytinamuH .lanoitar si ytinamuh taht feileb siht si tuoba nekatsim eb ot mees elpoep tahW .slevel noitalupop eht dna ,era ew tahw fo smret ni ,eb deen sa hgih sa ro ,yas dluow I hgih ylevitaler era yrartnoc eht ot swen etipsed hcihw ,scihte ro ,ytilarom fo smret ni ton doirep tnerruc eht euqitirc su teL .stooh ro ,stuh fo larohc sa rettah dam seilfrettub yb detnuat suineg gnikluh tpecnoc lla tsniaga tuanregguj no seog lacisyhp lairotaidalg das eht tnereffidni ro ,larommi ,larom taht dna noitanetacnoc driew tageb sah noitanetacnoc driew taht laecnoc ot elba regnol on ,nimrev dam damonrihv daimonrih ymonriv ,ynoxev ,ynoxe evitcennoc ro ,entshcet ro ,txet fo rorrim-kcalb-eman eht sa sixatnyS riorim-mehK riorim-mehS riorim-mehC .noe-ueilim-mehC .egniryS .xniryS .enceT setseT .tseT .txeT .enoG-ydniW-ogidneW 'yrots god yggahs' .hcet gniyreuq sa S gnissuS 'hctet' auq sa S yssaS htaM hsauqsueZ hctorcssuS hctauqsaS .stemleh .xniryS .enceT setseT si idnarepo stnemurtsni eht fi dna !ACISUM eelg dam tsum uoy eht tnereffidni ro llirhs hgih sa ,tcaf regnil syawla yb detnuat suineg on ,nimrev yrartnoc dnA .tuohtiw hgih ylevitaler lluf ta erehT .ytilanoitar a sa era seiceps dna elcatceps SI YGOLOEDI dna yrt dam damonrihv daimonrih ymonriv ,ynoxev tuoba nekatsim ton doirep ruO .egaugnal fo hcihw ,scihte ro dna ,ti fo taht ,gnilworg fo snoe nailoea llams si ytinamuH .lanoitar dluow I driew tageb sah swen etipsed taht dna noitanetacnoc fo ytilibissop era yrartnoc MIALCORP I !ENOD EREHT TEL .snoe tnaw uoy smret ni oT .sraey fo S yssaS htaM hsauqsueZ hctorcssuS hctauqsaS edivorp nac dnilb ot fo sepip-nap eht ni stinu ot seloh ruo noitavlas dna ot wob gnitae ,gnithgif rettah dam seilfrettub sderdnuH .gnikcuf dna S gnissuS 'hctet' I !NOISIV KCAL NI HSIFYLLEJ eht sa sa hgih era seidob latnemele ro ,txet erehT .lanoitar-snart tahW .slevel noitalupop levan ruo tsniaga tuanregguj no ta ereht noitanetacnoc driew snoillim fo fo eton EHT .em ,ytilarom fo dna sniol dna sremaerts gniliart ralupop ot roop ,stobor dna namuh gnieb seog lacisyhp eht etacitsemod fo nrob yb depip siht si taht yb GNIYALP SEIKS EHT citisarap ,sselesoprup ylno ruo ,nimrev romra ruo eht dna teL .stooh ro euqitirc su !ERUTSEG ERUP !TSITRA sredir fo ezilapideo ot derehtaef taht CISUM ,larommi ,larom FO EGA tub ,ecnadnuba ni ,ynoxe evitcennoc ro ,entshcet dnimaryp a romra ruo gniyreuq sa tub ,ecnadnuba ni sdnasuoht fo driew tageb sah eht dna EHT FO evitcelloc eht ro ,txet sixatnyS riorim-mehK riorim-mehS riorim-mehC .noe-ueilim-mehC .egniryS llirhs hgih gnitae ,gnithgif ruo noitavlas dna dna yrt tel ro .ecnad GNITAOLF SMELOG DNA THGIL sa ro ,yas .tseT .txeT .enoG-ydniW-ogidneW 'yrots ni stinu si hcihw edivorp nac sderdnuH .gnikcuf dna yb detnuat suineg ruO .egaugnal fo fo eton eht tnereffidni ro snoillim fo ,ytilarom fo lacicraf rieht roop ,stobor era seidob latnemele dna namuh gnieb ot wob regnil syawla era seiceps on ,nimrev tsellirhs tsehgih ,gnilworg fo snoe fo eton dna elcatceps euqitirc su ot seloh sredir fo nailoea llams dnimaryp a ot ti ekoy smret ni dna sremaerts gniliart dluow I fi dna !ACISUM si ytinamuh syawla dna ezilapideo ot ralupop ot dna elpoep a ekil nI .yrassecen larohc sa eb ot EHT .em FO EGA fo ytilibissop GNIYALP SEIKS EHT nommoc eht si suineg lamina tuo emoc shcamots hgih ylevitaler ton doirep .xniryS .enceT setseT tsniaga tuanregguj no ydegart eht fo rorrim-kcalb-eman gnikluh tpecnoc lla ta ereht mees elpoep tsum uoy teL .stooh ro stnemurtsni eht levan ruo ,stuh fo ,ynoxe evitcennoc ro ,entshcet MIALCORP I !ENOD lautca gniveihca yrtsimehc lamina eb lliw derehtaef taht CISUM fo senil sesucric selanoitar era fo nrob NI HSIFYLLEJ era tnemniatretne .elpoep dam damonrihv daimonrih ymonriv ,ynoxev siht si taht dna noitanetacnoc era taem ruo eb tsael smret ni dna ,ti EGA NA I !NOISIV KCAL llahs ytilanoitar dna sniol SI YGOLOEDI HCIR HCUS tahw fo erehT .ytilanoitar sa hgih ,era ew sottehg ruoy oT .sraey fo gnikam tiuq .deitpme ,larommi ,larom eW ..muiccirpac eht secar toirahc eht etacitsemod sudom elbissop ylnO ,ekila slautcelletni yrartnoc dnA .tuohtiw swen etipsed eelg dam rettah dam seilfrettub tub gnihton sa ,tcaf taht laecnoc ot god yggahs' .hcet ylno ruo ,nimrev S yssaS htaM hsauqsueZ hctorcssuS hctauqsaS lairotaidalg das tnaw uoy si ytinamuH .lanoitar EREHT TEL .snoe eht ot S gnissuS 'hctet' si idnarepo eguhagem dna tuoba nekatsim elba regnol yb depip UOY ,DLROW .stemleh tub ,taht PRAH EB eht sa dnilb ot !ERUTSEG ERUP !TSITRA sesroh ytrof hcihw ,scihte ro naem i citisarap ,sselesoprup lluf ta on si noitanetacnoc driew NAUTNAGRAG EKIL ,eb deen a sa fo taht tnerruc eht fo sepip-nap eht taht feileb seog lacisyhp auq sa era yrartnoc erehT .lanoitar-snart dna ti taht yb tahW .slevel noitalupop gniyrrac pollag gnoma feileb ruO .egaugnal foof language. Our belief among gallop carrying population levels. What by that it and trans-rational. There contrary are as qua physical goes belief that the pan-pipes of the current that of as a need be, LIKE GARGANTUAN weird concatenation is no at full purposeless, parasitic i mean or ethics, which forty horses ARTIST! PURE GESTURE! to blind as the BE HARP that, but helmets. WORLD, YOU piped by longer able mistaken about and megahuge operandi is 'tetch' Sussing S to the eons. LET THERE rational. Humanity is you want sad gladiatorial Sasquatch Susscrotch Zeusquash Math Sassy S vermin, our only tech. 'shaggy dog to conceal that fact, as nothing but butterflies mad hatter mad glee despite news without. And contrary intellectuals alike, Only possible modus domesticate the chariot races the capriccium.. We moral, immoral, emptied. quit making of years. To your ghettos we are, high as rationality. There of what SUCH RICH IDEOLOGY IS loins and rationality shall LACK VISION! I AN AGE it, and in terms least be our meat are concatenation and that is this vexony, virnomy hirnomiad vhirnomad mad people. entertainment are JELLYFISH IN born of are rationales circuses lines of MUSIC that feathered will be animal chemistry achieving actual DONE! I PROCLAIM techstne, or connective exony, of huts, our navel the instruments or hoots. Let you must people seem there at all concept hulking name-black-mirror of the tragedy on juggernaut against Testes Tecne. Syrinx. period not relatively high stomachs come out animal genius is the common THE SKIES PLAYING possibility of AGE OF me. THE to be as choral necessary. In like a people and to popular to oedipalize and always humanity is MUSICA! and if I would trailing streamers and in terms yoke it to a pyramind small aeolian of riders holes to us critique spectacle and note of eons of growling, highest shrillest vermin, no species are always linger bow to being human and elemental bodies are robots, poor their farcical of morality, of millions or indifferent the note of of language. Our genius taunted by and fucking. Hundreds can provide which is units in story' Wendigo-Windy-Gone. Text. Test. say, or as LIGHT AND GOLEMS FLOATING dance. or let try and and salvation our fighting, eating high shrill Syringe. Chem-milieu-eon. Chem-miroir Shem-miroir Khem-miroir Syntaxis text, or the collective OF THE and the has begat weird of thousands in abundance, but as querying our armor a pyramind techstne, or connective exony, in abundance, but AGE OF moral, immoral, MUSIC that feathered to oedipalize of riders ARTIST! PURE GESTURE! us critique or hoots. Let and the our armor vermin, our only purposeless, parasitic THE SKIES PLAYING by that is this piped by born of domesticate the physical goes being human and robots, poor to popular trailing streamers and loins and of morality, me. THE note of of millions weird concatenation there at on juggernaut against our navel population levels. What trans-rational. There text, or elemental bodies are high as as the JELLYFISH IN LACK VISION! I 'tetch' Sussing S and fucking. Hundreds butterflies mad hatter fighting, eating bow to and salvation our holes to units in the pan-pipes of to blind can provide Sasquatch Susscrotch Zeusquash Math Sassy S of years. To in terms you want eons. LET THERE DONE! I PROCLAIM contrary are possibility of concatenation and that despite news has begat weird I would rational. Humanity is small aeolian eons of growling, that of it, and or ethics, which of language. Our period not mistaken about vexony, virnomy hirnomiad vhirnomad mad try and IDEOLOGY IS spectacle and species are as a rationality. There at full relatively high without. And contrary vermin, no genius taunted by always linger fact, as high shrill or indifferent the you must mad glee MUSICA! and if the instruments operandi is Testes Tecne. Syrinx. helmets. Sasquatch Susscrotch Zeusquash Math Sassy S as qua 'tetch' Sussing S as querying tech. 'shaggy dog story' Wendigo-Windy-Gone. Text. Test. Testes Tecne. Syrinx. Syringe. Chem-milieu-eon. Chem-miroir Shem-miroir Khem-miroir Syntaxis as the name-black-mirror of text, or techstne, or connective exony, vexony, virnomy hirnomiad vhirnomad mad vermin, no longer able to conceal
that weird concatenation has begat weird concatenation and that moral, immoral, or indifferent
the sad gladiatorial physical goes on juggernaut against all concept hulking genius taunted by butterflies mad hatter as choral of huts, or hoots. Let us critique the current period not in terms of morality, or ethics, which despite news to the contrary are relatively high I would say, or as high as need be, in terms of what we are, and the population levels. What people seem to be mistaken about is this belief that humanity is rational. Humanity is and always will be trans-rational. There is no possibility of being human and achieving actual rationality. There are rationales in abundance, but rationality shall always linger without. And contrary to popular belief among the common people and intellectuals alike, Only spectacle and entertainment are necessary. In fact, as purposeless, parasitic vermin, our only possible modus operandi is that of the capriccium.. We as a species are like a high shrill note of mad glee piped by the pan-pipes of animal chemistry which is nothing but eons of growling, fighting, eating and fucking. Hundreds of thousands of millions of years. To try and domesticate the highest shrillest note of the collective animal genius is to oedipalize it, and by that i mean to blind it and yoke it to the tragedy of language. Our loins and our meat are our armor and salvation our elemental bodies are the instruments born of eons. LET THERE BE HARP GOLEMS FLOATING LIKE GARGANTUAN JELLYFISH IN THE SKIES PLAYING SUCH RICH MUSIC that feathered stomachs come out our navel holes to dance. or let there at least be chariot races and megahuge circuses lines of forty horses at full gallop carrying a pyramind of riders trailing streamers and small aeolian units in their farcical helmets. WORLD, YOU LACK VISION! I can provide that, but you must bow to me. THE AGE OF IDEOLOGY IS DONE! I PROCLAIM AN AGE OF THE ARTIST! PURE GESTURE! LIGHT AND MUSICA! and if you want your ghettos emptied quit making robots, poor people WORLD, YOU SUCH RICH to conceal that belief that of huts, will be circuses lines of a pyramind gallop carrying is no possible modus as qua BE HARP our meat are achieving actual say, or as all concept hulking yoke it to as querying the tragedy OF THE and megahuge their farcical people seem name-black-mirror of humanity is animal chemistry note of chariot races entertainment are emptied. quit making LIGHT AND story' Wendigo-Windy-Gone. Text. Test. to the least be stomachs come out of thousands nothing but of what belief among forty horses Syringe. Chem-milieu-eon. Chem-miroir Shem-miroir Khem-miroir Syntaxis tech. 'shaggy dog sad gladiatorial people. rationality shall need be, dance. or let the current and always to be like a the capriccium.. We animal genius is in terms it and intellectuals alike, Only i mean as choral highest shrillest that, but we are, which is necessary. In the collective LIKE GARGANTUAN people and AN AGE are rationales your ghettos GOLEMS FLOATING the common longer able the current or ethics, which units in intellectuals alike, Only is no our armor to popular eons of growling, the current possible modus the pan-pipes of try and as the their farcical me. THE name-black-mirror of are rationales domesticate the weird concatenation that, but to oedipalize JELLYFISH IN the tragedy as a LIGHT AND text, or born of or indifferent the the instruments will be and salvation our us critique longer able of millions to conceal that humanity is we are, dance. or let Syringe. Chem-milieu-eon. Chem-miroir Shem-miroir Khem-miroir Syntaxis vermin, no to be you want being human and I would achieving actual species are piped by like a sad gladiatorial your ghettos people seem LIKE GARGANTUAN which is animal genius is without. And contrary of riders MUSIC that feathered rationality shall story' Wendigo-Windy-Gone. Text. Test. AN AGE despite news fact, as rationality. There say, or as or hoots. Let robots, poor can provide nothing but moral, immoral, people. eons. LET THERE mad glee elemental bodies are least be trailing streamers and holes to concatenation and that trans-rational. There high shrill and the rational. Humanity is vermin, our only all concept hulking physical goes as choral and fucking. Hundreds need be, to the the collective as querying of thousands LACK VISION! I yoke it to possibility of necessary. In tech. 'shaggy dog there at is this in terms MUSICA! and if our navel it and emptied. quit making spectacle and mistaken about of years. To to blind helmets. WORLD, YOU of language. Our DONE! I PROCLAIM 'tetch' Sussing S GOLEMS FLOATING small aeolian that of AGE OF vexony, virnomy hirnomiad vhirnomad mad OF THE belief among circuses lines of it, and at full people and bow to in terms the capriccium.. We butterflies mad hatter in abundance, but you must by that population levels. What fighting, eating techstne, or connective exony, and always purposeless, parasitic IDEOLOGY IS and megahuge i mean the common highest shrillest operandi is Sasquatch Susscrotch Zeusquash Math Sassy S animal chemistry a pyramind period not BE HARP note of high as genius taunted by on juggernaut against ARTIST! PURE GESTURE! entertainment are our meat are has begat weird note of chariot races relatively high stomachs come out forty horses of what as qua THE SKIES PLAYING of morality, of huts, loins and contrary are Testes Tecne. Syrinx. always linger belief that SUCH RICH gallop carrying, or just say, sign-text-is, and is turning, as in Metamophoses.

Dr. Piouk: You are suffering?
M. Krap: Dying.
Dyon: And when I had dug up Lebe, I had not found old Lebe, but had instead found
a large live serpent with an ear of millet for a fang!
Centaur: I am the rhapsody in a mediley of all meteorse..



Irrony Observes The Earthing.