huge hollow curving
is a house
typed to catch
waterslide japan folk sounds
green tea massage oil
of Curly's 'Certainly'
whip the wind plained Michelangelo
by 37 only expect to sing of mescaline
you junk city tragogoat nero zero curlew seas
G land
move outside
dedust his cortical rack?
A spam, killing the speach inside neon
too long lonely lonely Chymera Mirror
apparatus shrine lace, What of
The American Christian bubbles cuspul deformity?
My twin Sister
crosswind: Puku namely scratch
the custard zeppelin glands
bounty of zoos, heavy, the history of Sea
viz sox exemplus: jellied wort slice
too many
Oompalennie Pantomb Mallrose
After the setting luttal
wtf is be fair. Impossible.
Ellen beads prayer Oil
remarkable fictive substance dog
replaced by breathing flowers
typembryoareus roaring meadle bird
sets depression within thread's sacred miss
Reading back indexically, as it were, through the marks
Oh, sense had been submerged, the huge hollow curving
finger snails
brass turtle
While launching pet Beaks
not a tactile nothingness,
but a tactile space devoid of matter,
your chaste bete tree alpha lap-dance constable prunes
One imagines, I think, a substance that one comes
to know less by the roughness or smoothness of its
surface than by the way it might feel to move
through it workman must have to go out
and figurinollow over 10000 eelschert
und bloch slathering wild water
tactile translucence
skull-headed bead-snake rabbit-headed
Tusiani Pope's heart to custard by giggle
through arcs of custard jewel
the activity of a surrogate offers a metaphor
Burlgrrl-grappletong tipping chao nacred with tonsil vests
As soon as the Flood had subsided,
a hare stopped in the clover, swinging flower bells,
and said its spider web prayer to the rainbow squirrel-
feathered beaver apple breaking open cold seeds
inserting rainbows and spiderwebs
into bewildered fregislavian bubble screens
lur toile d’araignée—
odd mountain down reggio boot Beach
skippers play hollow procreate with police love light
ambiguously infinitesimal and infinite,
Therefore we complex of glean an absential synaessthestia
Numerous recognize a multi-storeyed natural
The rainbow of Pastorale is like
desire State Church in Paris the shifting of punk toy
From Pantomb's notes we can honey paper kmathedral breast-plate hides
orange sniffs
beneathe a mechanism's
The Hunter,
petting mustard, and the
silver-silver octopus of the rug peddlar
cut death's before living has pushed its vehicle
on lustered green so, so lust red lemur ladies
with algebra amorphous mirror gel had time to wonder
to paraphrase an argument I have made elsewhere,
bogbumpers, ill with young, it is easy to go years
mortar mating puma /prognathous dear stultified living
so full bold cherimoya
from the left side of the hunter’s hat
horned single fell into Fulcanelli's ensnared sconce lickings
Cable loose, quivering, hovering, green bean converted
into Onion, it had a snake
accidentally tied to a Mace
The rainbow expands the hunter’s body
fat man ohming the camel
The greening sweemy
roughly echoes the prism’s arcs while it mimics
verscopula virilumgere triverscopula viridiumgirth
d'viverscupolos pi-tricularth kwon mit tem kil energy
wide flat through the houses
the young celadon
obsidious beak
little animal would
the smallest pittance to magmagnit
science chocks its heel tympanum
touching water is also being
the mouth where must live Chewel
the Supermale had smiles to a chussock patch
lingering cold
he worked in a studio beside
amazing aquariums
Polish, non-key Jelly-Babies Artemis = zenith
against Tropicana amber plates the mask of
ugliest fish in Pala, Imp Elson is cured
beds Phosphorescent faucet twilight
Kahnweiler’s stepdaughter in 1925
impressive columnar bulge, itself
gravity free and the khans remain
Union with fugueface little Muffin is Erasure
cute just before singularity
it fig-fuguerella
circular wall in the the cyclic feet
the rue Blomet. What's my Nommo,
Culture Mermaids swimming
in erect onionskin
Saint Stoner of Beard you see skipper?
larder beetle, ELEPHANT
Chemistry Camera.
gently vacuolic alcove,
bliss possible for them too?
Lapis hornet as parsnips spin parse.
young generation of romantics
who were formed by Cubism but who also
reacted against Jaguar baby the Greek of ghouls
with gibby can only thrash
pure Anti-potential,
and I etc.
alter the terms of the game
sense fin fesslure staircases of
"are controlled by" electroliquid paddle searches
blindly Spring
Lazy X
teeth as white House
is ruled by a thinly disguised bias—
IPOD any thing-taste or top hat boots
dream tiny tubs repeating bath faces
usnakey umcomber live in such glory
Ol' Chem Old the 'S' to springing lack-roat
notches and knots allow touch
tapir to the colored nem
agcess to faces ~are drums
aery of silken, the ancient sun
Vision permits “objectification”
more easily than touch
having cherimoya false scales
horned single be frozen
Skeerkitchet poosh
uptake churlish could be modified
Last sector emblem of pebble drop pondle Popeye-
Jesus using young agaric setting had been a
snake, corresponds to patties' gondwana flashlight party.
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Irrony Observes The Earthing.