Monday, November 11, 2019

crepuscular perpetuities

thumping the bacterial mats
of heads lying foreshortened in the shade
the gross linger
languids a lurking lightlessness
the bulb is beethoven
barking backwards
blue blake alone
in the babel blackness
"and let their liquid siftings fall"

a piano to appear in the city of ur
in the 21st century beech cheed seed
the infanta maria josefa has seen
a lemon balancing on its hoof
the boredom of the dark ages
has come full circle

the genius of stupidity
is destroying
the stupidity of genius
boredom is an ally
to creativity
but black soup
is also where naked
brain shark parasites
weep and collude
'i drowned in lurid synthetic images'

paper has exported itself into
all levels of the government ziggurat
and we the sea-lice monkeys
that support the will
of the ourobouros
to be a blind inertia
of vague dross
and lumpen lumens
we sometimes envy
the cultlessness
of heka and ma'at
the world aspires to cultlessness
in an addict's etutu esbu

for here in the avant garde dark ages
we are stitching toe-gur fligments parasu-parasu
we are watching the slither of the light
through the axe handles of traffic
gug damqati memezazu
we are withering within hyacinth ears
with hyena beethoven sumer
gaslighted by our own gaslighting
the sick sad summer is upon us

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